Utusan Malaysia Deputy Chief Editor Dato’ Zaini Hassan on 20 April 2011 in his column asked the Malays to unite. All Malay based political parties should come together and be united as ’1 Melayu, 1 Bumi’. He also threw the challenge at UMNO to take up this role, as it succesfully did it once on 11 May 1946.
Ayuh! Gerakkan segera 1Melayu, 1Bumi
Oleh Zaini HassanORANG Cina telah bersatu. Keputusan Pilihan Raya Negeri Sarawak telah membuktikannya. Malah, sebenarnya orang Cina telah pun bersatu sejak dulu lagi.
Perkembangan politik muaasir (kontemporari), selepas era-Mahathirisme dan semasa era-Abdullahisme telah membuktikan ikatan orang Cina lebih utuh dan berpadu. Hubungan kekitaan, kekeluargaan serta brotherhood dan ukhwah orang Cina lebih erat, tanpa boleh ditandingi oleh mana-mana kaum di atas muka bumi Malaysia ini.
Walaupun antara mereka berlainan haluan politik, tapi apabila sampai masa menentukan arah untung nasib kaum Cina – mereka akan bersatu atas pangkahan undi yang sama.
Dalam ekonomi, mereka membantu antara satu sama lain. Dari sekecil-kecil ekonomis kepadalah yang sebesar-besarnya, mereka akan tolong-menolong antara satu sama lain.
Budaya telah berjaya menyatupadukan orang Cina. Dalam masyarakat Cina tiada istilah bidaah yang boleh memesongkan mereka daripada soal budaya dan adat resam bangsa. Bahasa Cina diangkat tinggi, malah ada yang kata orang Cina yang tidak boleh membaca Cina pun akan turut membantu membeli akhbar Cina. Maka itu, akhbar Sin Chew Jit Poh – suara keramat orang Cina, menjadi antara akhbar yang paling tinggi edaran dan keuntungannya di Malaysia.
Sekolah Cina terus dijadikan sebagai cagaran politik utama – yang tidak boleh dikompromi sama sekali.
Pendek kata, orang Cina sebenarnya amat beruntung sekali berada di bumi Malaysia ini. Mereka telah menguasai segala-galanya. Sepuluh teratas orang mereka adalah bilionaire Malaysia. Sebahagian besar kedai yang ada di atas muka bumi Malaysia ini milik mereka. Hampir semua pelajar yang belajar di universiti swasta dan IPTS ternama dan mahal-mahal di negara ini rata-ratanya orang mereka.
Saya telah nyatakan perkara itu dalam Cuit bertajuk Apa lagi orang Cina mahu? tahun lepas. Tulisan itu dipetik sepenuhnya oleh akhbar Straits Times Singapura dan surat pembaca yang saya terima dari republik itu menyokong penuh tulisan itu.
Apa yang saya katakan ini adalah hakikat atau fakta.
Hanya kuasa mutlak politik yang belum dikuasai sepenuh oleh orang Cina, yang lain semua sudah. Kini DAP membawa slogan yang cukup hebat di kalangan masyarakat mereka iaitu Undi untuk Ubah, Enough is Enough (Cukuplah) dan Selamatkan Malaysia.
Slogan itu sebenarnya bukan ditujukan kepada orang lain, tapi khususnya kepada orang Cina. Terpapar megah di dada baju penyokong dan calon DAP dalam pilihan raya Sarawak supaya diubah kepimpinan Melayu Malaysia ini.
Terus terang saya katakan, saya amat menyanjungi orang Cina. Mereka mempunyai matlamat dan masa depan yang cukup jelas. Walaupun tindakan itu berbau politik atau bukan, soalnya mereka cukup bersatu. Politik digunakan sebaik-baik mungkin untuk menyatupadukan kaum itu.
Kita jangan salahkan DAP. Apa yang DAP lakukan itu amat betul untuk masa depan kaumnya. Jika Pas dipergunakan oleh DAP untuk memecahkan bangsanya sendiri, itulah operatif licik DAP.
DAP telah berjaya menjadi parti Cina yang telah menyatupadukan orang Cina. MCA gagal dan SUPP pun gagal. Itu hakikat atas kertas. Malah seorang sahabat saya berbangsa Cina, pengarang sebuah akhbar ternama bersetuju bahawa orang Cina kini ke arah menyokong pembangkang. Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 akan digunakan sepenuhnya untuk menyatukan kuasa mereka.
Sebaliknya apa yang orang Melayu buat? Tiada apa-apa. Mereka ialah satu bangsa yang cukup selesa, komplesen, alpa dan tidak peduli. Malah pemikiran mereka cukup bercelaru.
Apa yang harus UMNO lakukan? UMNO harus berfikiran seperti DAPkah?
Pandangan saya, apa yang UMNO harus lakukan sekarang, di masa yang amat terdesak sekarang, ialah melancarkan gelombang perpaduan bangsa – 1Melayu, 1Bumi.
Lancarkan segera 1Melayu, 1Bumi dalam lingkungan UMNO dan parti-parti Melayu yang lain.
Jika Pas degil dan tidak mahu ikut serta, gabungkan dengan puluhan NGO-NGO Melayu yang kini tumbuh bagaikan cendawan di atas bumi Malaysia ini. Perlu diingat NGO-NGO itu wujud kerana mereka dahagakan wadah perjuangan untung nasib bangsa semakin ditinggalkan. UMNO harus tarik pertubuhan sukarela ini ke hadapan dan menjadi juara semula dalam soal ini.
Persetankan Pas yang ternyata telah menggadaikan perjuangan bangsa Melayu untuk kepentingan politik totok mereka. Hairan sungguh, para penyokong Pas akan menjadi lebih kuah daripada sudu semasa berkempen, dan mereka tidak pernah sedar bahawa secara senyap-senyap DAP cukup strategik mempermainkan mereka.
Saya kira, sekiranya lima kerusi Pas di Sarawak itu ditandingkan di kawasan Cina sudah pasti mereka akan menang dan ada wakil dalam dewan undangan negeri. Tapi DAP telah mempermainkan mereka. Pas diletakkan di kawasan kaum bumiputera, bagi membolehkan kaum bumiputera terus berpecah. Pas seperti biasa, tidak sedar semua itu.
Dalam usaha meniupkan gelombang 1Melayu, 1Bumi, tidak salah 1Malaysia diteruskan kerana ia adalah dasar jangka panjang negara. Parti komponen Cina dalam BN pun tidak akan marah jika UMNO melancarkan gagasan 1Melayu, 1Bumi kerana bagi mereka orang Cina telah pun bersatu.
Tidak salah bagi orang Melayu melancarkan seruan 1Melayu, 1Bumi kerana orang Melayu sendiri belum bersatu.
Dalam tulisan-tulisan saya sebelum ini, saya ada mengatakan orang Melayu berpecah kepada enam golongan. Melayu UMNO, Melayu Pas, Melayu PKR, Melayu DAP, Melayu Liberal dan Melayu Atas Pagar.
Orang Melayu cukup berpecah. Orang Cina tidak akan marah sekiranya orang Melayu bersatu kembali. Mungkin DAPlah yang tidak selesa kerana matlamat mereka untuk memecah-belahkan lagi orang Melayu akan gagal.
Bagi DAP, selagi konsep Malaysia Malaysian mereka tidak berlaku, selagi itu mereka akan berusaha keras untuk menjayakannya.
UMNO harus meniupkan gagasan 1Melayu, 1Bumi ini segera. Orang Melayu harus disatukan segera bagi memastikan mereka menguasai semula politik yang semakin terhakis daripada tangan mereka.
Walaupun Melayu berpecah, namun ada lagi suara-suara segelintir yang amat sayangkan bangsa. Seorang sahabat umpamanya, menghantar SMS semasa tulisan ini ditulis berbunyi: “Tolong tulis…BN jangan lagi bagi kawasan majoriti Melayu kepada wakil MCA, Gerakan dalam PRU akan datang… cukup sudah pengorbanan UMNO yang dibalas dengan tuba. MCA dan Gerakan WAJIB akur kerana kalau mereka kalah dengan DAP, wakil mereka tak perlu dilantik dalam kerajaan…”
Itu ialah suara marah. Orang Melayu marah. Tapi kita harus rasional. Susun semula barisan dan gelombang satukan orang Melayu.
Saya bercakap bagi pihak bangsa saya. Gagasan inilah yang turut dimainkan oleh sahabat saya, saudara Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, seorang mualaf Cina yang cukup kental jiwa ultra-Melayunya. Orang Cina amat tidak menggemari beliau di atas semangat assabiyah Melayu beliau itu.
Namun bagi Ridhuan, dan orang Melayu yang lain, mereka amat khuatir dengan perkembangan mutakhir yang berlaku di negara ini sekarang.
Namun, penghargaan harus diberi kepada kaum bumiputera Sarawak yang telah melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka dengan begitu betul sekali.
Saya angkat topi kepada kaum bumiputera Sarawak yang dilihat lebih matang daripada orang Melayu di Semenanjung. Sekiranya mereka tidak bersatu dalam pilihan raya 16 April lalu, maka Sarawak sudah tentu akan jatuh ke tangan orang lain.
Orang bumiputera Sarawak telah memberi satu petunjuk yang amat berharga supaya diikuti oleh kaum Melayu di Semenanjung.
Namun, orang Melayu Semenanjung berpecah enam. Mereka masih lagi berpecah enam.
Oleh itu menjadi kewajipan UMNO; atas nama pejuang-pejuangnya yang terdahulu; dan sebagai parti induk orang Melayu; lancarkan segera slogan 1Melayu, 1Bumi bagi menggerakkan semula gelombang kebangsaan bangsa itu.
Melayu harus dan wajib disatukan kembali sebagaimana kita mahu satukan orang Malaysia di bawah semangat 1Malaysia. Tiada makna adanya 1Malaysia, jika orang Melayu sendiri pun berpecah.
Kini terletak dalam tangan UMNO untuk menentukan hidup atau mati bangsa ini.
Orang Cina sudah ada 1Cina dalam erti kata tersendiri. Orang Melayu pun perlu ada 1Melayu, 1Bumi. Ayuh gerakkan!
It is the same spirit that Dato’ Onn Jaafar and other nationalists garnered upon the declaration of the Malayan Union in 1946. The Malays were loose groupings of communities then. They did not have any position as the indigenous populous of Tanah Melayu. The only shred of holding they still had upon the surrender of Imperial Japan on 15 August 1945 was the little powers HRH Sultans were still accorded to.
The post WWII British Administration wanted to take that away.
Then Malay nationalists like Dato’ On Jaafar and educationists Zainal Abidin “Za’aba” Ahmad managed to convince the various Malay NGOs to come together and all were united under UMNO. on 11 May 1946, 29 NGOs signed the UMNO charter in Istana Besar, Johor Bahru, Johor under the auspices of HRH Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Abu Bakar of Johor.
The unity that the Malay poised under UMNO manage to fail the Malayan Union. It forced the British to sit down with HRH Sultans and renegotiate. As a result of that, the Federation of Tanah Melayu Treaty between British Administration and HRH Sultans with UMNO as witness, came into force on 1 February 1948 and the first Constitution was born. That is also the basis of the Federation of Malaya Constitution which was put into force upon the signing on the Independence Instruments on 31 August 1957 and Malaysia as what we know to today, becomes a sovereign nation.
This how MCA responded:
Tuesday April 26, 2011
1Melayu 1Bumi plan not in line with 1Malaysia, says MCA president
PETALING JAYA: Utusan Malaysia does not represent the views of all the Malays, said MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.
He reiterated that the newspaper’s proposal of a “1Melayu 1Bumi” plan, supported by Malay rights group Perkasa, was also not in line with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak‘s 1Malaysia concept.
“We (MCA) support the 1Malaysia concept because this country is multi-racial.
“The Prime Minister’s policy of inclusiveness will make Malaysia prosperous and competitive,” he said yesterday.
The party had called for the boycott of Utusan Malaysia for propagating the “1Melayu 1Bumi” concept after the supposed rejection of Barisan Nasional by the Chinese community at the recent Sarawak election.
Dr Chua said the paper with a circulation of about 200,000 was not representative of all the Malays.
Likewise, he pointed out that The Star did not represent all the Chinese or even MCA though the party was its majority shareholder.
Earlier, Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the media should not be prevented from expressing its views even if there were parties that disagreed with the messages put across.
The Deputy Prime Minister pointed out that Utusan Malaysiarepresented the voice of the Malays and had played a vital role in achieving independence for the country and in nation building.
“There are pros and cons but that does not mean that we should stop newspapers from reporting,” he said after launching the 30th Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair yesterday.
He said boycotting the newspaper would be ineffective, pointing out that newspapers in other languages had also touched on sensitive issues.
Later in the afternoon, Perkasa staged a small gathering outside Wisma MCA to protest against the boycott call.
Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali, who led the gathering, handed over a memorandum to Dr Chua’s press secretary Giam Say Khoon.
In Alor Setar, Kota Star Perkasa chairman Datuk Mohd Yusof Ismail said the group would launch the “1Melayu 1Bumi” movement this weekend despite disapproval from many leaders, including Perkasa patron and former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
It is expected for Dato’ Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek to respond in this manner. After all, Chua as the MCA President keeps blaming others for their own shortcomings, if not political failures for not able to convince the Chinese voters. As a senior partner of Barisan Nasional’s ‘power-share’ coalition, Chua blamed Malay NGOs like PERKASA for their own failure to garner Chinese support and votes in the P094 Hulu Selangor by-election April last year.
For the record, MCA did badly in the 8 March 2008 12th general election where they only managed to scrap by with 15 MPs instead of the 31 Dewan Rakyat seats they held the in 11th Dewan Rakyat. And yet, as ‘power-share’ coalition partner, they were still accorded with the 4 Cabinet Minister posts, despite their below average performance.
Most the MCA’s 31 seats are Malay majority constituencies as compared to DAP’s 24 seats, which is Chinese majority. They even asked for a Second Deputy Prime Minister post for the Chinese, despite their inability to deliver their end of the bargain.
As a result of their below average performance, MCA under Dr Chua themselves pandered to the Chinese Chauvinism as their track to be on the political foray amongst the Chinese voters. At that, they actually back-stabbed PM Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Abdul Razak’s effort to harness the strength of all and unite everyone under the call for ’1 Malaysia’.
The Dong Zhong did their convention on 6 November 2010 and passed a resolution with 36 items, which include demands. Some perceived this as a ‘political blackmail’ against the BN leadership. The Chinese who are known to be ‘strategic voters’, used their political ‘decisive’ voting power to demand more and more at the expense of the interest of the majority.
Another earlier example is the Chinese Economic Convention organised by MCA on 15 August 2010. They are insensitive enough to ask for the NEP to be abolished and an open market, laissez faire.
It obvious the Chinese Chauvinism has started to challenge the position of the Malays, as what have been enshrined in the ‘Social Contract’, Federal Constituting and post-13 May 1969-racial-riots New Economic Policy to narrow the gap between the social and economic disparity of the urbans and rural folks.
The Malays have decided to start the move to unite themselves in the same spirit that managed to foiled Malayan Union now, for the same reasons; defend what ever grounds that they have, religiously, and not allow all these calls for a ‘Level Playing Field’ when the ‘field isn’t actually leveled’. This is not withstanding the fact that some minority amongst the Chinese already antagonising the majority on certain religious issues.
All of these are being aggregated into something ugly and is provoking, if not challenging the position of the Malays as the majority.
Zaini’s suggestion was a mere reaction to the Chinese Chauvinism campaigning in the recently concluded Sarawak State Election. The Chinese voters showed very little respect for the majority when they voted for the DAP, especially when they pandered to the call “To throw the Malay Chief Minister out!”. Even MCA controlled English daily pandered to this Chinese Chauvinism, almost every other day in their reporting.
The call for the Malays to unite is to solidify and reitirate the position of the Malays as the majority and some of what have been accorded to them should not even be discussed, let alone challenged. It is not about a call for the Malays to take the rights of the Non Malays or the minority. There should not be anything wrong to protect the grounds of what the Malays see at as their ‘turf’, especially amongst the nationalist already felt that they were ‘generous enough’ in their willingness to share, even power with the minority which include the Chinese.
In a predominantly Chinese controlled environment, whether it is government or corporations, the Chinese in power do very little to ensure the concept of ‘power-sharing’ is translated and practiced with the Non Chinese, especially the Malays. Non of the large Chinese controlled corporations allowed the Malays to be alleviated to position of strategic power, if not top management. In Penang, the DAP controlled state government did not give the Malays the same power and decision making position like how it is being practiced at Federal Government level; consensus. Not to mention Singapore as an example where the Malays are completely marginalised.
That is the fact. Zaini did nothing wrong asking the Malays to unite.
Big Dog
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