Najib Tun Razak menerima buku The Report: Malaysia 2010 daripada Michael Benson-Colpi sambil diperhatikan Abdul Wahid Omar (kiri) serta Paulius Kuncinas pada majlis pelancaran buku itu di Kuala Lumpur, semalam.
KUALA LUMPUR 30 Jun - Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak optimis pertumbuhan ekonomi negara boleh mencapai enam peratus setahun khususnya dalam tempoh pelaksanaan Rancangan Malaysia Kesepuluh (RMK-10).
Bagaimanapun beliau berkata, hasrat itu hanya boleh direalisasikan sekiranya semua pihak termasuk swasta bersama-sama menggembleng tenaga bagi menjayakan program transformasi yang telah digariskan oleh kerajaan.
Beliau berkata, pertumbuhan pada angka itu amat penting kerana ia begitu signifikan dengan cita-cita kerajaan untuk menjadikan Malaysia negara berpendapatan tinggi.
''Antara 2011 hingga 2015, kerajaan meletakkan sasaran pendapatan kasar perkapita meningkat kepada RM38,850 atau AS$12,140 setahun.
''Namun, untuk mencapai sasaran ini negara memerlukan pertumbuhan sebenar Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) sekitar enam peratus setahun dan bagi saya ia boleh dicapai,'' katanya ketika berucap pada majlis pelancaran buku Laporan: Malaysia 2010 (Report: Malaysia 2010) di sini hari ini.
Laporan tersebut diterbitkan oleh syarikat penerbit antarabangsa, Oxford Business Group (OBG) dengan kerjasama Unit Perancang Ekonomi (EPU) Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Lembaga Kemajuan Perindustrian Malaysia (MIDA) dan Maybank.
Turut hadir Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Maybank, Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar; Pengerusi OBG, Michael Benson-Colpi dan Editor Serantau OBG, Paulius Kuncinas.
Najib dalam ucapannya turut menghargai rumusan di dalam buku laporan tersebut apabila OBG melahirkan keyakinan bahawa Malaysia mampu mencapai pertumbuhan enam peratus pada tahun berkenaan.
''Saya lega apabila OBG merumuskan bahawa kita mampu mencapai pertumbuhan enam peratus pada tahun ini. Saya percaya ia bukan bersifat pujian tetapi rumusan itu adalah berdasarkan kepada fakta yang sebenar,'' ujarnya.
Najib dalam perkembangan berkaitan berkata, buku laporan yang diterbitkan oleh OBG itu boleh dijadikan sumber rujukan terutama pihak yang berminat membuat pelaburan di Malaysia.
''Secara umum ia menyentuh pelbagai aspek ekonomi di negara kita seperti kewangan Islam, pasaran modal, industri tenaga, penyelidikan dan inovasi, teknologi maklumat, pendidikan, hartanah dan pembinaan.
''Melalui buku ini, para pelabur yang berpotensi boleh mendapatkan maklumat diperlukan termasuk peluang-peluang pelaburan yang ditawarkan oleh negara serta faedah-faedah yang bakal mereka nikmati,'' katanya lagi.
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
What do the Malaysian Chinese want?
Having failed to achieve total control in Indonesia after the fall of their stooge and protector, the late butcher tyrant president Suharto, the Chinese of South East Asia (the Kuomintang) have turned their sights on Malaysia in a bid to topple its Malay majority government.
The Chinese appear dissatisfied and annoyed with the status of Malays in a nation carefully nurtured and cultivated to its present stage of industrialisation by former Prime Minister Dr. Mahahtir Muhammed.
The Malays of Malaysia are in a majority comprising at least 60% of the population. They are the indigenous people of the country. The Indians (6%) and the Chinese who form the rest of the population are divided along race lines.
Whilst the Chinese were favoured in commerce and trade from the time of the British, a practice which continues to this day, the Indians consist mainly of a few professionals, small business people and the rest largely low paid labourers.
Singapore under its first Prime Minster had designs over Malaysia since its birth all those years ago. In his own words he had ‘dreamed all his adult life of a merger between the two states’. For what reasons he dreamed such a dream is now becoming clearer. The Chinese of Malaysia and Indonesia have great regard for the man. The Malays to a large part see him as a gate keeper of foreign interests (with good reason) and an abject and unmitigated racist.
Singapore of late and with the assistance of the immediate past Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Badawi, engineered a coup whereby they conveniently renegotiated the supply of Malaysian water to Singapore on unrealistically favourable terms to Singapore, much to the detriment of Malaysia. All of this achieved without debate or disclosure of any real consequence from either side.
Mahathir, an obstacle to Singapore’s ambiitons in the peninsula, had left the stage. They were now free to engage in the politics of intimidation and division and had a ready made chameleon, a spineless, vain and incompetent leader in Badawi.
There was no need to gauge public opinion on something as vital as water or land as is characteristic of Singapore’s style of patrimony, its benevolent dictatorship which they call democratic government down there. Unaccountable and unresponsive to their people as always, self assured in their condescention of their subjects, they assisted Badawi to sell his country’s most precious asset to them for a song. And sell it Badawi did.
More dangerously, Badawi allowed Singapore’s state and private interests to acquire significant tracts of Malaysian land (the Johor corridor) for them to develop a massive industrial complex (proposal) using Singaporean and foreign investments channeled through Singapore and the use of imported Chinese labour from China.
The proposed development and its strategy gives Singapore de facto control over a significant land mass of Malaysia without it having a political mandate from Malaysians to run the area. Very smart, very dangerous. Perhaps the new lingua franca would also be Mandarin to cater for the imported Chinese (non Malay) labour they intend to bring in to create a sphere of an extension of the Pulau Batam experiment. Singapore off shore territory, Malaysia on lease in a Malay neutral cultural vacuum.
There has been no referendum on this re design of the boundaries of Malaysia nor even a cursory impact study of the consequences of such a significant transfer of ownership of land and a bud grafting of an entire new culture of Chinese onto Malay soil. No one has sought fit to seek approval and consents of Malaysia’s most important citizens, its Malay majority.
Nor have the finer terms of this sale or the results of any social or economic impact studies on its mainly Malay population been made public for the people it is most likely to effect to consider. There was no public discussion no consultations with effected groups and communities of any significance so to speak of. Nothing has been done for any meaningful public debate or input to be considered form the effected communities.
Badawi held hands with his Singaporean counterparts in what was clearly a purely commercial deal with political and social implications for Malaysians, especially its Malay population in a majority and to whom the land is inalienable being Tanah Melayu. This appears to be a repeat of the historic handing over of Singapore’s sovereignity to Britain for a pistol and a few trinkets to the Johor Sultanate by Britain all those years ago.
Badawi appears to have done a Habibie on Malaysia. Habibie we recall sold out East Timor to an Australian led force of former Marxist guerillas with Portuguese and Chinese backing under the pretext of a deteriorating security situation.
The security situation was created and nurtured at its inception with Australia’s assistance under Suharto aided then by Australia’s defence aid to Indonesia. East Timor was then carved out of Indoensia into a new independent state during mayhem engineered by the UN, Portugal and Australia.
So it now appears that internationa law does reccognise in its breach the take over of foreign lands not only through conquest but also by treaties that ignore the will of a majority. Necessity and bilateral economic agreements are mere camoflagues to lend a semblance of legitimacy and respectability to appropriation of other people’s land.
The smear campaigns have begun. Most of it directed at the most likely candidate capable of galvanising Malay sentiment to tear up these arrangements and the stealthy occupation of Malay soil. Dr. Mahathir Muhammed appears willing to go all the wa on this one.
Singapore acutely aware of his potency in dismantling their plans for occupation by stealth is widely viewed as the source of Malay indignation and Chinese chauvinism in Malaysia. Its campaigns have been to stir the political landscape of Malaysia that has become so divisive and polarized provoked by statements from Singapore of late.
Malaysia’s Chinese are openly looking for Lee Kuan Yew type leadership not for his recorded achievements but for the fact the Chinese will dominate as they have done in Singapore. The Chinese like the Indians of Africa and Fiji are cultural chauvanists not willing to assimilate but to dominate at any cost.
The fact Mahathir has achieved more progress for Malaysia in less time with less pain inflicted on his people appears irrelevant to the Malaysian Chinese and sectors of its Indian comunities. So Mahathir appears now to be their target, the focus of their smear campaigns. Lest he further encourage the Malays to be assertive of their rights and put paid to the Singaporean occupation of a third of Malaysian soil Mahathir has become the pre occupaiton of Singapore and its local Malaysian Chinese supporters.
To achieve their domination of south east Asia and its people, the Koumintang Chinese of Asia have cultivated allies in the west. Through Blades, Alex Josey and other operatives of MI5 and the Special branch in Singapore, prior to independence in the 1950’s, Britain found a willing ally in a brilliant, charismatic, though ruthless and mercenary lawyer in Lee Kuan Yew. The rest as they say is history.
Britain set about cultivating Lee to be leader of an independent Singapore as an measured antidote to nationalism sweeping the region post world war 2. David Barr’s and Rev. James Minchin’s thesis on the man and his policies puts paid to the fiction of that all clean and straight modern day ruler.
Lee’s character flourished on the job. He was in his element supporting tyrants, butchers and undemocratic brutes of the region like Suharto and Marcos benefitting his island state in the process. The two tyrants in Marcos and Suharto were willing to exterminate their own people, paving the way to untold riches with blood, for mercenary Chinese merchants like the Bob Hassan’s and Lim Soei Liem who funded these tyrants, banking their ill gotten gains in Singapore to the delight of Lee and the local Chinese.
Its is not unusual for a country to appoint a war hero or decorated soldier to high office. Even to that of President. Israel did it with a number of their war heroes elevated to high office in gratitude for their service. But very few countries are known to have rewarded a foreign spy elevating him to such a position or to acknowledge his perfidy with such honour. Singapore did.
To reinforce the point I make about servitude and the interest of foreigners over and above those of Singaporeans or its Malays (its original inhabitants), Singapore appointed as its President an ASIO Spy (Australian Security Intelligence Organization) in SR Nathan.
SR Nathan’s cover as a spy for Australia was his position at head of RTS (Radio TV Singapore) for years whilst he served his masters in Canberra. Alex Josey served MI5 also in the same position previously. SR Nathan, now President of Singapore, assisted the Australian’s and British in their disinformation and propaganda campaigns directed mainly at Malays, Indians and that minority of honourable Chinese who campaigned for an open, independent and free state.
These Chinese were labeled by Lee and the foreigners he served as communists, terrorists, traitors, chauvinists, trouble makers and jailed for long periods without trial. SR Nathan’s appointment is clearly a celebration of the betrayal of Singaporeans and its Malays.
The question that is to be asked is this. Whose sovereignty and interests is it that is being protected by the Lee dynasty in Singapore then? In any other self respecting state a spy in the service of a foreign country would be executed or punished for being in the service of a foreign country against the interests of his own.
In Singapore a foreign spy was made president by a spy who became Prime Minister. Who does Singapore really belong to? who do its people serve? How long will its Malay population remain well fed birds in chauvinistic a Chinese cage?
“Having taken Japanese lessons since 1942 before Singapore was occupied, he worked as a Military Intelligence Officer to translate Allied wire reports for the Japanese, as well as being the English-language editor on the Japanese Hodobu (an information or propaganda department) from 1942 to 1943.”
Nothing unusual about the standards of political morality Singapore practices when one considers the convenience of opium and heroin money of the likes of Lo Sin Han. The Burmese warlord and drug king’s money when combined with the heady mix of the high morals of Singapore’s rulers is volatile and immoral.
Politics does indeed make some very strange bedfellows. Whilst Lo’s lowly and desperate drug mules are regularly hanged at Singapore’s Changi prison, that state willingly and happily helps Lo manage and launder his ill gotten drug money in commercial partnerships and joint ventures (Helen Vatsikopolous Dateline SBS 2002) through Tamasek.
At the same time whilst preaching security, order, law and good international relations, Charter industries of Singapore, the government owned small arms manufacturer sells to anyone willing to buy. That includes the explosives sold to the Tamil Tigers which they used to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi.
Lo’s army too is a beneficiary of arms manufactured and purchased from Charter industries as do many other clandestine and separatist groups in the region. That’s the morality of the white uniformed PAP who now stand in judgement of Mahathir and the Malays. This is high ground morality of the Chinese of the region who find the UMNO and NEP handouts so immoral and disturbing that they will support Lee in destabilsing Malaysia, in calling for Mahathir’s blood and in agitating for the abolishment of the NEP which the Chinese consider much more immoral than Guns, Drugs and blood money.
Lee Kuan Yew thinks very little of a Malay who is independent and can think for himself. They irritate him. He is unashamedly on record espousing the theories of Nietzsche and Manu in a more distorted way when describing Malays and Indians in comparison to Chinese. His interpretation of Nitszche appears closer to that of Hitler’s interpretations of the concepts of untermenschen and ubermenschen than any others.
A self proclaimed student of genetics and avid believer in the politics of racial superiority, he conveniently places the Chinese squarely over their “inferior” Malay and Indian counterparts using apocryphal documents and theories to justify his pallid position. Why and how Lee believes in these theories of convenience ? David Barr’s thesis reveals the illusions behind the man and how he manufactures evidence in support of his theories shifting it and his position when it suits the occassion and the argument.
A perfect model for understanding Naom Chomsky’s “manufacturing consent”. Lee and his coeterie of bullies have never given up that idea that the federation is their territory. His conduct reveals the delusions of grandeur of the man and his beliefs in a near divine right to rule the area assisted by a willing sea of commercially astute but also ruthless cadre of settled Chinese in the region who act as his fifth coloumn.
Secondly and more importantly it is because of the crude assumption that Mahathir as a Malay could not possible have achieved what he did achieve in his years as a Prime Minister when someone as high profile and Chinese as the late Tan Siew Sin (former Malaysian Finance Minister) failed dismally in all his time at the helm to achieve even a fraction of what Mahathir managed.
Contrary to the popularly built up myth of Singapore being the result f Lee Kuan Yew’s genius which he constantly allows his media to spin about him, it was not Lee’s economic genius that made Singapore but that of Dutch economist Albert Winsemius. Lee was merely an enforcer of the designs of Britain and the other foreign investors in Singapore.
Lee shamelessly takes credit for Singapore’s economic successes to this day. Singapore could in truth be run by a combination of South American banana republic dictators and still turn out prosperous because it is a natural port situated at the confluence of the great sea lanes linking east and west north and south and no genius need plan for its prosperity. Certainly not Lee Kuan Yew. And his demise will prove that.
Without wanting to take too much away from Lee and the myths about his genius, the evidence shows that he clearly was a catalyst in a series of events that produced the outcomes that is Singapore today. In reality it was a combination of those factors of politics, position, need and greed both natural and human that conspired to create the island states success. Not the singular work of Lee Kuan Yew.
With Mahathir’s Malaysia the odds were stacked against the Malay. His successes were for most part the efforts of a singular mind. His methods equally Machiavellian but not brutal and inhumane. The odds against him innumerable and immeasurable. But being Malay those odds were even greater. Such achievement by a Malay is considered in the minds of mainly Chinese Malaysians and Singaporeans to be an impossibility. Therefore something had to be wrong and the rumour mill began to run.
Singapore’s success has nothing to do with Chinese ingenuity, hard work, higher work ethics or superiority over the Malays in commerce. A confluence of vital security, strategic and commercial interests converge out of necessity and convenience at the point of that island state because of its position to make it what it is.
The ruling party of Singapore has a lot to do with a servile mindset that dominates their political landscape like the rusty old retainers of a forgotten colonial past. Minions who continue to serve their white masters dressed in those same white cotton outfits the British forced them wear in the colonial days to make them appear clean (knowing how dirty the Chinese could be physically, metaphorically and morally) when dealing with them. It was symbolic then as it is now. Purely symbolic.
How could one forget the betrayal of trust the Sultan of Brunei placed in the late Khoo Teck Puat and Khoo’s theft of hundreds of millions of the Sultan’s money all under the full view of Singapore’s treasury officials who were the Sultan’s technical experts at the time?
From Phillipines to Brunei from Indonesia to Malaysia (his greater China) Lee and his Singapore believe that their economic model is a recipe for self righteous hegemony through the politics of money and the use of intimidation and mischief through Chinese merchants in the area.
Sadly for the delusional Lee that day will not come. Because like all dictators in history, he too will suddenly realise that he is human and fallible (or events ill remind him of the fact) and that not everyone can be bought through fear and intimidation, cleaner streets or better paid jobs. That’s why Lee Kuan Yew is in a hurry to leave as his legacy a Chinese dominated Malaysia, his lifelong dream.
The Chinese of Malaysia often draw comparisons between Mahathir and Lee Kuan Yew without the facts. In order to denigrate the Malays they reinforce their racial stereotyping of Chinese and Malays referring to Lee in glowing terms of the spin that’s become part of the Lee Kuan Yew Myth and Mahathir in terms of the Kuomintang and Singapore fed rumours about the man.
Mahathir does not share a similar vision for Malaysia as Lee does nor does he have a similar mercenary family background to Lee. And nor were or are his people rejects of their own ancestral societies driven to extremes. Mahathir and Lee were moulded out of totally different fires and made of an equally different metal.
Mahathir was educated against all odds as a medical doctor in a society where Malays and Muslims were excluded from any form of social, political, economic or academic attainment unless appropriately socially connected at the time.
He received no patronage like Lee from his mother Chua Jim Neo’s ’special friend’. He did not taunt his classmates before exams so that they possible performed badly (James Minchin: No Man is an Island) allowing him to do better then be called a genius.
Nowhere in this planet is there evidence of an ethnic Chinese running a democratic state. Autocratic, fascist yes. But democratic no. The Malays like their Indian counterparts have long held traditions of collective government. It may not have been referred to in their vocabulary as democracy but the characteristics have always been there. It may sound a bit unkind and I would like to be proved wrong on this score.
The same cannot be said of Chinese communities anywhere who have traditionally succumbed to and strangely thrived under ruthless iron fisted totalitarians and tyrants. And the Kuomintang is no stranger to the politics of fascism and brutality either. Their influence in corrupt government’s of south East Asia that fed a communist insurgency everywhere in the region from Indo China to Indonesia and Malaysia is legend.
The entire idea of Lee Kuan Yew’s hard driving carrot and stick policies is anathema to the soul of the Malays. To the Malays the success of one of their own in the politics of liberal democratic industrialization in the form of Malaysia by Dr. Mahathir is therefore understandably hard for the Chinese to swallow. The Malays are a comfortable blend of both east and west unlike the Chinese at least in south east Asia.
Mahathir could fight an adversary from within and without Malaysia without the need to tie their hands behind their backs to win. He did not jail dissenters simply for being dissenters. He has not used Malaysia as a base to destabilise Singapore nor to benefit financially from the misery inflicted by the tyrants in his neighbourhood on their people.
The same cannot be said of Lee or his Singapore. Mahathir turned out to be more successful in achieving economic, industrial and technical progress for Malaysia within a relatively more advanced pluralistic and democratic framework than Lee could ever have dreamed of. The Chinese of the region are angered by it. It is as painful to them as it is proving to a Christian that the resurrection of Christ never occurred.
Mahathir had 25 Million people in their diverse forms to satisfy and to manage. Lee had a generic class of a mere 3 million mainly Chinese with all of the economic, political and military backing of Britain, Australia, the US and yes even China. Mahathir for his independence in thought and deed stood alone.
The results must have been devastatingly painful to the Chinese psyche. God after all turned out not to be Chinese. Perish the thought. So the Chinese of Malaysia (at least those who will not speak out) have joined this unholy chorus of criticisms against Mahahtir and thinking Malays in an unsubtle demonstration of where their true loyalties lie.
Inspite of the strength of available evidence against them, the same insult on corruption is never applied to any of the non Malays of the region like the Chinese by the so called opposition in the region. So deep run these prejudices that rumour is often the fuel of many a debate in places like Malaysia and Singapore.
All of Malaysia’s dynamic changes, Mahathir achieved in much a shorter time than Lee’s six decades of pain and oppression Lee had inflicted on his people to get his results. Sure Singapore is impressive. But so too is the local Westfield shopping mall when compared to its surrounds the suburbs and the different stimuli and responsibilities and problems that drive each of these. Its like comparing chalk to cheese.
Malaysia (warts and all) remains an oasis in a sea of cultural chauvanism. Thailand, Indonesia (till only recently) Viet Nam, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia all had till recently prohibited the use of Chinese characters in any form from public display. Outside shops, temples or other public places the use of and the displays of Chinese cultural icons and language was prohibited by law. Malaysia remained outside this sphere of intolerance.
Singapore uypped the ante not to be outdone in the field of racial discrimination applying a unique form of racial and cultural discrimination. Created in its attempts to subdue the Malay Nationalism within the island and to render their culture subject to that of the engineered Chinese majority community Singapore introduced Mandarin as its national language alongside the English language. In doing so it achieved its purpose of rendering the entire Malay population culturally and politically impotent.
In Malaysia on the other hand as is the case in Singapore, there is significant though subtle discrimination in employment against the Malays even to this day. It manifests itself in non tariff barriers set in employment in one of the largest sectors of the economy and employment, the food, beverages and hospitality industry.
In the context of Asia, food and beverages remain one of the most important and lucrative industries and will continue to outperform most others even in times of economic distress. Food beverages and hospitality are two of Malaysia’s largest employers and contributors to its gross domoestic product. Yet Malay patcicipation in this lucrative field of economic activity is deliberately stiffled and curtailed.
Now here’s the trick. Most restaurants and hotels which are statistically in a majority run by the Chinese, sell or cook food either with pork or pork fat or some element of pork as an ingredient. The manufacture, sale and consumption of alcohol another very significant industry from which the Malays are excluded for religious reasons is also Chinese dominated.
Fully aware of the consequence to Malays of the presence of these ingredients and material in food and beverages, very few previous or for that matter even the current Malaysian government have ever advocated to find alternatives to redress the imbalance created by this non tariff barrier to employment of Malays. The result is that it has become a tool of exclusion preventing and excluding Malays from employment in an important and a vital industry in Malaysia.
Pork is not a life saving necessity nor something that cannot be suitably and painlessly substituted with say,soy substitutes, beef, mutton, venesin or poultry. Yet it is conveniently and widely used in Malaysia by its Chinese population without protest or complaint by it Malay population save in some minority quarters.
The fact they the Malays and their government have not taken any active measures to end Chinese monopoly of this highly lucrative of sectors in the economy although harmful to their culture says a lot about Malay generosity the Chinese are not prepared to acknowledge.
It is examples such as these which conveniently get lost in the heat of arguments against the NEP and Malays. This level of inter racial tolerance is likely to be lost in a Singaporean Chinese dominated Johor corridor. Malays will be further driven into the hinterland or be reduced to being token Chinese like they are in Singapore today.
The consequence of all of the generosity of the Malays and their government is conveniently lost and conveniently forgotten by the Chinese. Whats not remembered is that the Malays in their own country are as they have been for decades, excluded from any form of meaningful employment or participation in an industry so large as the food and beverages sector to which they could contribute more significantly.
Food and beverage is an industry in which the Chinese have a stranglehold and monopoly over which for a long time has underwritten their individual and communal wealth. Entry barriers are low and turnover and profits high.
In the earlier days before people like Mahathir intervened, the Chinese middle men reduced Malay rice growers of the north to poverty. It was a feat celebrated by the British as Chinese ingenuity over the Malays. The Malays could do well to demand their government impose a punitive tax on the sale of pork and alcohol in all its forms. It will achieve the necessary balance of allowing the Chinese the freedom to eat pork in public places and others to consume alcohol also in public places for a price. That price has to reflect the disadvantage to the Malay economy.
An opportunity to redress this imbalance where Malays are excluded from places where the the use of pork and alcohol is served can be achieved by imposing license requirements on all premises that sell pork and alcohol which would undoubtedly provide a windfall to government and redressing the imbalance in the process.
More importantly the government of Tun Razak Najib ought to be made to publicly disclose the terms and conditions of the sale of water to Singapore and the sale of the Johor corridor to Singaporeans. And if necessary a referendum on these matters held. If they are found to be not in the interests of Malaysians it ought to be overturned.
The Chinese know that they will not be able to overthrow and set up in its place a non Malay led government. That’s not possible as long as there are sufficient numbers of Malays to constitute a majority in the population.
The Chinese alternative aided by Singapore is now to grab as much land as is possible under terms and conditions that have been kept a secret from Malaysians and to introduce large numbers of imported Chinese labour as has been the case throughout the developing world in Asia and Africa and to spread Chinese economic and cultural hegemony throughout the region.
It will happen. And Lee Kuan Yew wants it to happen before he dies. Bahasa Melayu will be replaced as the main language with Mandarin. If thats taking it the message too far, take a look at Singapore, a former Malay territory and prove me wrong.
Taken from
Having failed to achieve total control in Indonesia after the fall of their stooge and protector, the late butcher tyrant president Suharto, the Chinese of South East Asia (the Kuomintang) have turned their sights on Malaysia in a bid to topple its Malay majority government.
The Chinese appear dissatisfied and annoyed with the status of Malays in a nation carefully nurtured and cultivated to its present stage of industrialisation by former Prime Minister Dr. Mahahtir Muhammed.
The Malays of Malaysia are in a majority comprising at least 60% of the population. They are the indigenous people of the country. The Indians (6%) and the Chinese who form the rest of the population are divided along race lines.
Whilst the Chinese were favoured in commerce and trade from the time of the British, a practice which continues to this day, the Indians consist mainly of a few professionals, small business people and the rest largely low paid labourers.
Singapore under its first Prime Minster had designs over Malaysia since its birth all those years ago. In his own words he had ‘dreamed all his adult life of a merger between the two states’. For what reasons he dreamed such a dream is now becoming clearer. The Chinese of Malaysia and Indonesia have great regard for the man. The Malays to a large part see him as a gate keeper of foreign interests (with good reason) and an abject and unmitigated racist.
Singapore of late and with the assistance of the immediate past Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Badawi, engineered a coup whereby they conveniently renegotiated the supply of Malaysian water to Singapore on unrealistically favourable terms to Singapore, much to the detriment of Malaysia. All of this achieved without debate or disclosure of any real consequence from either side.
Mahathir, an obstacle to Singapore’s ambiitons in the peninsula, had left the stage. They were now free to engage in the politics of intimidation and division and had a ready made chameleon, a spineless, vain and incompetent leader in Badawi.
There was no need to gauge public opinion on something as vital as water or land as is characteristic of Singapore’s style of patrimony, its benevolent dictatorship which they call democratic government down there. Unaccountable and unresponsive to their people as always, self assured in their condescention of their subjects, they assisted Badawi to sell his country’s most precious asset to them for a song. And sell it Badawi did.
More dangerously, Badawi allowed Singapore’s state and private interests to acquire significant tracts of Malaysian land (the Johor corridor) for them to develop a massive industrial complex (proposal) using Singaporean and foreign investments channeled through Singapore and the use of imported Chinese labour from China.
The proposed development and its strategy gives Singapore de facto control over a significant land mass of Malaysia without it having a political mandate from Malaysians to run the area. Very smart, very dangerous. Perhaps the new lingua franca would also be Mandarin to cater for the imported Chinese (non Malay) labour they intend to bring in to create a sphere of an extension of the Pulau Batam experiment. Singapore off shore territory, Malaysia on lease in a Malay neutral cultural vacuum.
There has been no referendum on this re design of the boundaries of Malaysia nor even a cursory impact study of the consequences of such a significant transfer of ownership of land and a bud grafting of an entire new culture of Chinese onto Malay soil. No one has sought fit to seek approval and consents of Malaysia’s most important citizens, its Malay majority.
Nor have the finer terms of this sale or the results of any social or economic impact studies on its mainly Malay population been made public for the people it is most likely to effect to consider. There was no public discussion no consultations with effected groups and communities of any significance so to speak of. Nothing has been done for any meaningful public debate or input to be considered form the effected communities.
Badawi held hands with his Singaporean counterparts in what was clearly a purely commercial deal with political and social implications for Malaysians, especially its Malay population in a majority and to whom the land is inalienable being Tanah Melayu. This appears to be a repeat of the historic handing over of Singapore’s sovereignity to Britain for a pistol and a few trinkets to the Johor Sultanate by Britain all those years ago.
Badawi appears to have done a Habibie on Malaysia. Habibie we recall sold out East Timor to an Australian led force of former Marxist guerillas with Portuguese and Chinese backing under the pretext of a deteriorating security situation.
The security situation was created and nurtured at its inception with Australia’s assistance under Suharto aided then by Australia’s defence aid to Indonesia. East Timor was then carved out of Indoensia into a new independent state during mayhem engineered by the UN, Portugal and Australia.
So it now appears that internationa law does reccognise in its breach the take over of foreign lands not only through conquest but also by treaties that ignore the will of a majority. Necessity and bilateral economic agreements are mere camoflagues to lend a semblance of legitimacy and respectability to appropriation of other people’s land.
The smear campaigns have begun. Most of it directed at the most likely candidate capable of galvanising Malay sentiment to tear up these arrangements and the stealthy occupation of Malay soil. Dr. Mahathir Muhammed appears willing to go all the wa on this one.
Singapore acutely aware of his potency in dismantling their plans for occupation by stealth is widely viewed as the source of Malay indignation and Chinese chauvinism in Malaysia. Its campaigns have been to stir the political landscape of Malaysia that has become so divisive and polarized provoked by statements from Singapore of late.
Malaysia’s Chinese are openly looking for Lee Kuan Yew type leadership not for his recorded achievements but for the fact the Chinese will dominate as they have done in Singapore. The Chinese like the Indians of Africa and Fiji are cultural chauvanists not willing to assimilate but to dominate at any cost.
The fact Mahathir has achieved more progress for Malaysia in less time with less pain inflicted on his people appears irrelevant to the Malaysian Chinese and sectors of its Indian comunities. So Mahathir appears now to be their target, the focus of their smear campaigns. Lest he further encourage the Malays to be assertive of their rights and put paid to the Singaporean occupation of a third of Malaysian soil Mahathir has become the pre occupaiton of Singapore and its local Malaysian Chinese supporters.
To achieve their domination of south east Asia and its people, the Koumintang Chinese of Asia have cultivated allies in the west. Through Blades, Alex Josey and other operatives of MI5 and the Special branch in Singapore, prior to independence in the 1950’s, Britain found a willing ally in a brilliant, charismatic, though ruthless and mercenary lawyer in Lee Kuan Yew. The rest as they say is history.
Britain set about cultivating Lee to be leader of an independent Singapore as an measured antidote to nationalism sweeping the region post world war 2. David Barr’s and Rev. James Minchin’s thesis on the man and his policies puts paid to the fiction of that all clean and straight modern day ruler.
Lee’s character flourished on the job. He was in his element supporting tyrants, butchers and undemocratic brutes of the region like Suharto and Marcos benefitting his island state in the process. The two tyrants in Marcos and Suharto were willing to exterminate their own people, paving the way to untold riches with blood, for mercenary Chinese merchants like the Bob Hassan’s and Lim Soei Liem who funded these tyrants, banking their ill gotten gains in Singapore to the delight of Lee and the local Chinese.
Its is not unusual for a country to appoint a war hero or decorated soldier to high office. Even to that of President. Israel did it with a number of their war heroes elevated to high office in gratitude for their service. But very few countries are known to have rewarded a foreign spy elevating him to such a position or to acknowledge his perfidy with such honour. Singapore did.
To reinforce the point I make about servitude and the interest of foreigners over and above those of Singaporeans or its Malays (its original inhabitants), Singapore appointed as its President an ASIO Spy (Australian Security Intelligence Organization) in SR Nathan.
SR Nathan’s cover as a spy for Australia was his position at head of RTS (Radio TV Singapore) for years whilst he served his masters in Canberra. Alex Josey served MI5 also in the same position previously. SR Nathan, now President of Singapore, assisted the Australian’s and British in their disinformation and propaganda campaigns directed mainly at Malays, Indians and that minority of honourable Chinese who campaigned for an open, independent and free state.
These Chinese were labeled by Lee and the foreigners he served as communists, terrorists, traitors, chauvinists, trouble makers and jailed for long periods without trial. SR Nathan’s appointment is clearly a celebration of the betrayal of Singaporeans and its Malays.
The question that is to be asked is this. Whose sovereignty and interests is it that is being protected by the Lee dynasty in Singapore then? In any other self respecting state a spy in the service of a foreign country would be executed or punished for being in the service of a foreign country against the interests of his own.
In Singapore a foreign spy was made president by a spy who became Prime Minister. Who does Singapore really belong to? who do its people serve? How long will its Malay population remain well fed birds in chauvinistic a Chinese cage?
“Having taken Japanese lessons since 1942 before Singapore was occupied, he worked as a Military Intelligence Officer to translate Allied wire reports for the Japanese, as well as being the English-language editor on the Japanese Hodobu (an information or propaganda department) from 1942 to 1943.”
Nothing unusual about the standards of political morality Singapore practices when one considers the convenience of opium and heroin money of the likes of Lo Sin Han. The Burmese warlord and drug king’s money when combined with the heady mix of the high morals of Singapore’s rulers is volatile and immoral.
Politics does indeed make some very strange bedfellows. Whilst Lo’s lowly and desperate drug mules are regularly hanged at Singapore’s Changi prison, that state willingly and happily helps Lo manage and launder his ill gotten drug money in commercial partnerships and joint ventures (Helen Vatsikopolous Dateline SBS 2002) through Tamasek.
At the same time whilst preaching security, order, law and good international relations, Charter industries of Singapore, the government owned small arms manufacturer sells to anyone willing to buy. That includes the explosives sold to the Tamil Tigers which they used to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi.
Lo’s army too is a beneficiary of arms manufactured and purchased from Charter industries as do many other clandestine and separatist groups in the region. That’s the morality of the white uniformed PAP who now stand in judgement of Mahathir and the Malays. This is high ground morality of the Chinese of the region who find the UMNO and NEP handouts so immoral and disturbing that they will support Lee in destabilsing Malaysia, in calling for Mahathir’s blood and in agitating for the abolishment of the NEP which the Chinese consider much more immoral than Guns, Drugs and blood money.
Lee Kuan Yew thinks very little of a Malay who is independent and can think for himself. They irritate him. He is unashamedly on record espousing the theories of Nietzsche and Manu in a more distorted way when describing Malays and Indians in comparison to Chinese. His interpretation of Nitszche appears closer to that of Hitler’s interpretations of the concepts of untermenschen and ubermenschen than any others.
A self proclaimed student of genetics and avid believer in the politics of racial superiority, he conveniently places the Chinese squarely over their “inferior” Malay and Indian counterparts using apocryphal documents and theories to justify his pallid position. Why and how Lee believes in these theories of convenience ? David Barr’s thesis reveals the illusions behind the man and how he manufactures evidence in support of his theories shifting it and his position when it suits the occassion and the argument.
A perfect model for understanding Naom Chomsky’s “manufacturing consent”. Lee and his coeterie of bullies have never given up that idea that the federation is their territory. His conduct reveals the delusions of grandeur of the man and his beliefs in a near divine right to rule the area assisted by a willing sea of commercially astute but also ruthless cadre of settled Chinese in the region who act as his fifth coloumn.
Secondly and more importantly it is because of the crude assumption that Mahathir as a Malay could not possible have achieved what he did achieve in his years as a Prime Minister when someone as high profile and Chinese as the late Tan Siew Sin (former Malaysian Finance Minister) failed dismally in all his time at the helm to achieve even a fraction of what Mahathir managed.
Contrary to the popularly built up myth of Singapore being the result f Lee Kuan Yew’s genius which he constantly allows his media to spin about him, it was not Lee’s economic genius that made Singapore but that of Dutch economist Albert Winsemius. Lee was merely an enforcer of the designs of Britain and the other foreign investors in Singapore.
Lee shamelessly takes credit for Singapore’s economic successes to this day. Singapore could in truth be run by a combination of South American banana republic dictators and still turn out prosperous because it is a natural port situated at the confluence of the great sea lanes linking east and west north and south and no genius need plan for its prosperity. Certainly not Lee Kuan Yew. And his demise will prove that.
Without wanting to take too much away from Lee and the myths about his genius, the evidence shows that he clearly was a catalyst in a series of events that produced the outcomes that is Singapore today. In reality it was a combination of those factors of politics, position, need and greed both natural and human that conspired to create the island states success. Not the singular work of Lee Kuan Yew.
With Mahathir’s Malaysia the odds were stacked against the Malay. His successes were for most part the efforts of a singular mind. His methods equally Machiavellian but not brutal and inhumane. The odds against him innumerable and immeasurable. But being Malay those odds were even greater. Such achievement by a Malay is considered in the minds of mainly Chinese Malaysians and Singaporeans to be an impossibility. Therefore something had to be wrong and the rumour mill began to run.
Singapore’s success has nothing to do with Chinese ingenuity, hard work, higher work ethics or superiority over the Malays in commerce. A confluence of vital security, strategic and commercial interests converge out of necessity and convenience at the point of that island state because of its position to make it what it is.
The ruling party of Singapore has a lot to do with a servile mindset that dominates their political landscape like the rusty old retainers of a forgotten colonial past. Minions who continue to serve their white masters dressed in those same white cotton outfits the British forced them wear in the colonial days to make them appear clean (knowing how dirty the Chinese could be physically, metaphorically and morally) when dealing with them. It was symbolic then as it is now. Purely symbolic.
How could one forget the betrayal of trust the Sultan of Brunei placed in the late Khoo Teck Puat and Khoo’s theft of hundreds of millions of the Sultan’s money all under the full view of Singapore’s treasury officials who were the Sultan’s technical experts at the time?
From Phillipines to Brunei from Indonesia to Malaysia (his greater China) Lee and his Singapore believe that their economic model is a recipe for self righteous hegemony through the politics of money and the use of intimidation and mischief through Chinese merchants in the area.
Sadly for the delusional Lee that day will not come. Because like all dictators in history, he too will suddenly realise that he is human and fallible (or events ill remind him of the fact) and that not everyone can be bought through fear and intimidation, cleaner streets or better paid jobs. That’s why Lee Kuan Yew is in a hurry to leave as his legacy a Chinese dominated Malaysia, his lifelong dream.
The Chinese of Malaysia often draw comparisons between Mahathir and Lee Kuan Yew without the facts. In order to denigrate the Malays they reinforce their racial stereotyping of Chinese and Malays referring to Lee in glowing terms of the spin that’s become part of the Lee Kuan Yew Myth and Mahathir in terms of the Kuomintang and Singapore fed rumours about the man.
Mahathir does not share a similar vision for Malaysia as Lee does nor does he have a similar mercenary family background to Lee. And nor were or are his people rejects of their own ancestral societies driven to extremes. Mahathir and Lee were moulded out of totally different fires and made of an equally different metal.
Mahathir was educated against all odds as a medical doctor in a society where Malays and Muslims were excluded from any form of social, political, economic or academic attainment unless appropriately socially connected at the time.
He received no patronage like Lee from his mother Chua Jim Neo’s ’special friend’. He did not taunt his classmates before exams so that they possible performed badly (James Minchin: No Man is an Island) allowing him to do better then be called a genius.
Nowhere in this planet is there evidence of an ethnic Chinese running a democratic state. Autocratic, fascist yes. But democratic no. The Malays like their Indian counterparts have long held traditions of collective government. It may not have been referred to in their vocabulary as democracy but the characteristics have always been there. It may sound a bit unkind and I would like to be proved wrong on this score.
The same cannot be said of Chinese communities anywhere who have traditionally succumbed to and strangely thrived under ruthless iron fisted totalitarians and tyrants. And the Kuomintang is no stranger to the politics of fascism and brutality either. Their influence in corrupt government’s of south East Asia that fed a communist insurgency everywhere in the region from Indo China to Indonesia and Malaysia is legend.
The entire idea of Lee Kuan Yew’s hard driving carrot and stick policies is anathema to the soul of the Malays. To the Malays the success of one of their own in the politics of liberal democratic industrialization in the form of Malaysia by Dr. Mahathir is therefore understandably hard for the Chinese to swallow. The Malays are a comfortable blend of both east and west unlike the Chinese at least in south east Asia.
Mahathir could fight an adversary from within and without Malaysia without the need to tie their hands behind their backs to win. He did not jail dissenters simply for being dissenters. He has not used Malaysia as a base to destabilise Singapore nor to benefit financially from the misery inflicted by the tyrants in his neighbourhood on their people.
The same cannot be said of Lee or his Singapore. Mahathir turned out to be more successful in achieving economic, industrial and technical progress for Malaysia within a relatively more advanced pluralistic and democratic framework than Lee could ever have dreamed of. The Chinese of the region are angered by it. It is as painful to them as it is proving to a Christian that the resurrection of Christ never occurred.
Mahathir had 25 Million people in their diverse forms to satisfy and to manage. Lee had a generic class of a mere 3 million mainly Chinese with all of the economic, political and military backing of Britain, Australia, the US and yes even China. Mahathir for his independence in thought and deed stood alone.
The results must have been devastatingly painful to the Chinese psyche. God after all turned out not to be Chinese. Perish the thought. So the Chinese of Malaysia (at least those who will not speak out) have joined this unholy chorus of criticisms against Mahahtir and thinking Malays in an unsubtle demonstration of where their true loyalties lie.
Inspite of the strength of available evidence against them, the same insult on corruption is never applied to any of the non Malays of the region like the Chinese by the so called opposition in the region. So deep run these prejudices that rumour is often the fuel of many a debate in places like Malaysia and Singapore.
All of Malaysia’s dynamic changes, Mahathir achieved in much a shorter time than Lee’s six decades of pain and oppression Lee had inflicted on his people to get his results. Sure Singapore is impressive. But so too is the local Westfield shopping mall when compared to its surrounds the suburbs and the different stimuli and responsibilities and problems that drive each of these. Its like comparing chalk to cheese.
Malaysia (warts and all) remains an oasis in a sea of cultural chauvanism. Thailand, Indonesia (till only recently) Viet Nam, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia all had till recently prohibited the use of Chinese characters in any form from public display. Outside shops, temples or other public places the use of and the displays of Chinese cultural icons and language was prohibited by law. Malaysia remained outside this sphere of intolerance.
Singapore uypped the ante not to be outdone in the field of racial discrimination applying a unique form of racial and cultural discrimination. Created in its attempts to subdue the Malay Nationalism within the island and to render their culture subject to that of the engineered Chinese majority community Singapore introduced Mandarin as its national language alongside the English language. In doing so it achieved its purpose of rendering the entire Malay population culturally and politically impotent.
In Malaysia on the other hand as is the case in Singapore, there is significant though subtle discrimination in employment against the Malays even to this day. It manifests itself in non tariff barriers set in employment in one of the largest sectors of the economy and employment, the food, beverages and hospitality industry.
In the context of Asia, food and beverages remain one of the most important and lucrative industries and will continue to outperform most others even in times of economic distress. Food beverages and hospitality are two of Malaysia’s largest employers and contributors to its gross domoestic product. Yet Malay patcicipation in this lucrative field of economic activity is deliberately stiffled and curtailed.
Now here’s the trick. Most restaurants and hotels which are statistically in a majority run by the Chinese, sell or cook food either with pork or pork fat or some element of pork as an ingredient. The manufacture, sale and consumption of alcohol another very significant industry from which the Malays are excluded for religious reasons is also Chinese dominated.
Fully aware of the consequence to Malays of the presence of these ingredients and material in food and beverages, very few previous or for that matter even the current Malaysian government have ever advocated to find alternatives to redress the imbalance created by this non tariff barrier to employment of Malays. The result is that it has become a tool of exclusion preventing and excluding Malays from employment in an important and a vital industry in Malaysia.
Pork is not a life saving necessity nor something that cannot be suitably and painlessly substituted with say,soy substitutes, beef, mutton, venesin or poultry. Yet it is conveniently and widely used in Malaysia by its Chinese population without protest or complaint by it Malay population save in some minority quarters.
The fact they the Malays and their government have not taken any active measures to end Chinese monopoly of this highly lucrative of sectors in the economy although harmful to their culture says a lot about Malay generosity the Chinese are not prepared to acknowledge.
It is examples such as these which conveniently get lost in the heat of arguments against the NEP and Malays. This level of inter racial tolerance is likely to be lost in a Singaporean Chinese dominated Johor corridor. Malays will be further driven into the hinterland or be reduced to being token Chinese like they are in Singapore today.
The consequence of all of the generosity of the Malays and their government is conveniently lost and conveniently forgotten by the Chinese. Whats not remembered is that the Malays in their own country are as they have been for decades, excluded from any form of meaningful employment or participation in an industry so large as the food and beverages sector to which they could contribute more significantly.
Food and beverage is an industry in which the Chinese have a stranglehold and monopoly over which for a long time has underwritten their individual and communal wealth. Entry barriers are low and turnover and profits high.
In the earlier days before people like Mahathir intervened, the Chinese middle men reduced Malay rice growers of the north to poverty. It was a feat celebrated by the British as Chinese ingenuity over the Malays. The Malays could do well to demand their government impose a punitive tax on the sale of pork and alcohol in all its forms. It will achieve the necessary balance of allowing the Chinese the freedom to eat pork in public places and others to consume alcohol also in public places for a price. That price has to reflect the disadvantage to the Malay economy.
An opportunity to redress this imbalance where Malays are excluded from places where the the use of pork and alcohol is served can be achieved by imposing license requirements on all premises that sell pork and alcohol which would undoubtedly provide a windfall to government and redressing the imbalance in the process.
More importantly the government of Tun Razak Najib ought to be made to publicly disclose the terms and conditions of the sale of water to Singapore and the sale of the Johor corridor to Singaporeans. And if necessary a referendum on these matters held. If they are found to be not in the interests of Malaysians it ought to be overturned.
The Chinese know that they will not be able to overthrow and set up in its place a non Malay led government. That’s not possible as long as there are sufficient numbers of Malays to constitute a majority in the population.
The Chinese alternative aided by Singapore is now to grab as much land as is possible under terms and conditions that have been kept a secret from Malaysians and to introduce large numbers of imported Chinese labour as has been the case throughout the developing world in Asia and Africa and to spread Chinese economic and cultural hegemony throughout the region.
It will happen. And Lee Kuan Yew wants it to happen before he dies. Bahasa Melayu will be replaced as the main language with Mandarin. If thats taking it the message too far, take a look at Singapore, a former Malay territory and prove me wrong.
Taken from
Nisbah 1:40 dapatkah menyedarkan orang Melayu
Mengikut kajian Biro Keahlian dan Daftar Pemilih Pemuda UMNO yang disiarkan Berita Harian Isnin lalu, nisbah antara orang Melayu dan bukan Melayu yang mendaftar sebagai pengundi baru sejak PRU 2008 sehingga bulan ini adalah satu Melayu dan 40 bukan Melayu (1:40).
Terima kasih kepada pihak yang mendedahkan angka yang cukup menggerunkan ini. Memang patut isu ini dijadikan berita muka hadapan dan ditulis besar-besar. Biar semua orang dapat baca terutamanya orang-orang Melayu yang masih belum mendaftar untuk mengundi.
DAP dengan tidak semena-mena meloncat bila dengar nisbah 1:40 ini. DAP menganggap kenyataan tersebut berbaur perkauman. Alahai DAP, sepatutnya yang cepat melatah adalah orang Melayu. Pelik…seolah-olah kamu pula yang takut dengan pendedahan ini? Kita sekarang bukan bercerita mengenai perkauman. Kita bercerita mengenai hak mengundi kepada semua rakyat Malaysia terutamanya kepada rakyat yang belum mendaftar mengundi. DAP sebenarnya takut. Mereka takut jika pendedahan ini akan membuka mata dan mencetuskan kebangkitan keseluruhan orang Melayu. Jadi mereka tuduh isu ini sebagai perkauman.
PAS macam biasa. Syok sendiri. Ikut bontot DAP. Apa yang DAP cakap semua betul. Angguk saja macam burung belatuk.
Kepada orang Melayu yang telah sedar, baru sedar dan akan sedar, elok lah. Ketahuilah hak anda sebagai seorang warganegara Malaysia. Pergilah mendaftar sebagai pengundi. Bawa semua ahli keluarga, saudara mara, rakan, jiran sekampung. Pendek kata semuanyalah. Antara tempat yang boleh kita mendaftar adalah spt berikut:
a) Ibu Pejabat SPR
b) Pejabat-Pejabat Pilihanraya Negeri
c) Pejabat Pos Berkomputer Seluruh Negara
d) Kaunter SPM Melalui Program Outreach
Terima kasih kepada pihak yang mendedahkan angka yang cukup menggerunkan ini. Memang patut isu ini dijadikan berita muka hadapan dan ditulis besar-besar. Biar semua orang dapat baca terutamanya orang-orang Melayu yang masih belum mendaftar untuk mengundi.
DAP dengan tidak semena-mena meloncat bila dengar nisbah 1:40 ini. DAP menganggap kenyataan tersebut berbaur perkauman. Alahai DAP, sepatutnya yang cepat melatah adalah orang Melayu. Pelik…seolah-olah kamu pula yang takut dengan pendedahan ini? Kita sekarang bukan bercerita mengenai perkauman. Kita bercerita mengenai hak mengundi kepada semua rakyat Malaysia terutamanya kepada rakyat yang belum mendaftar mengundi. DAP sebenarnya takut. Mereka takut jika pendedahan ini akan membuka mata dan mencetuskan kebangkitan keseluruhan orang Melayu. Jadi mereka tuduh isu ini sebagai perkauman.
PAS macam biasa. Syok sendiri. Ikut bontot DAP. Apa yang DAP cakap semua betul. Angguk saja macam burung belatuk.
Kepada orang Melayu yang telah sedar, baru sedar dan akan sedar, elok lah. Ketahuilah hak anda sebagai seorang warganegara Malaysia. Pergilah mendaftar sebagai pengundi. Bawa semua ahli keluarga, saudara mara, rakan, jiran sekampung. Pendek kata semuanyalah. Antara tempat yang boleh kita mendaftar adalah spt berikut:
a) Ibu Pejabat SPR
b) Pejabat-Pejabat Pilihanraya Negeri
c) Pejabat Pos Berkomputer Seluruh Negara
d) Kaunter SPM Melalui Program Outreach
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Soalan ini, 'Kenapa masuk UMNO?' bukan sahaja ditujukan kepada saya, bahkan ditujukan juga kepada rakan-rakan seperjuangan. Cuma, ada yang memahami dan ada yang sukar menerima. Apapun, ingin saya nyatakan di sini kepada ikhwah sekelian bahawa kemasukan kami ke dalam UMNO telah dilakukan selepas pelbagai perbincangan dan penelitian dibuat termasuk mengambil pandangan ulama yang lebih senior.
Tujuan utama kami memasuki UMNO adalah untuk berdakwah dari dalam, untuk kebaikan ahli-ahli UMNO yang kami rasakan amat subur untuk proses peningkatan ilmiah, keagamaan dan kerohanian. Bukanlah tujuan kami untuk menimbulkan keresahan mahupun permusuhan di kalangan para pendakwah baik dalam UMNO mahupun dalam mana-mana parti, juga NGO-NGO. Kami hanya ingin mengambil peluang dan menerima janji pihak atasan UMNO yang ada menawarkan ruang luas untuk kami berdakwah. Dengan izin Allah jua, kami akan berusaha sedaya upaya untuk menepati prinsip Ahli al-Sunnah wal-Jama‘ah dalam menyebar kebenaran dan berdakwah.
Seawal perbincangan, kami telah dapat merasakan akan timbul di hari penyerahan borang dan selepasnya nanti pandangan yang selesa, sinis dan juga berkecuali. Tetapi itu adalah asam garam perjuangan dakwah. Kami memohon agar Allah Ta‘ala sentiasa memberi petunjuk dan menetapkan pendirian kami dan semua pendakwah dalam melaksanakan usaha pembaikan.
Akhir kata, kami pohon agar semua sahabat yang prihatin terhadap perjuangan kami ini, sentiasa mendoakan agar kami tetap di atas landasan kebenaran bersesuaian dengan ruh Islam yang suci.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Melayu jadi minoriti kuasa politik
Kelompok liberal dan universalis ini wujud dalam dunia akademik dan arena sosio-ekonomi. Emansipasi atau pembebasan minda mereka boleh memudaratkan agama, bangsa, dan tanah air. Ini kerana kelompok ini tidak lagi memahami, apatah lagi menghormati Melayu dan sejarah perjuangannya.
Oleh sebab itulah, baru-baru ini ada kelompok Melayu yang cuba memansuhkan elemen-elemen afirmatif mengenai Melayu dan bumiputera dalam dasar ekonomi negara. Kini, ada pula segelintir Melayu yang gagal melihat keunggulan siasah Melayu mungkin binasa jika mereka berpecah-belah secara konsisten dalam siasah.
Bagi manfaat bersama, wajar diimbas semula sejarah kependudukan Malaysia di zaman silam. Ini bukan untuk meagung-agungkan Melayu. Sebaliknya untuk membuktikan bahawa keunggulan Melayu di Malaysia adalah hakikat yang perlu dipertahan, dipelihara, diiktiraf, dan dihormati.
Malaysia adalah gabungan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, dengan Sabah dan Sarawak. (Dari 1963 hingga 1965, Singapura juga menjadi warga Malaysia). Sebelum era penjajahan mulai 1511, Tanah Melayu adalah bumi Melayu dan negara Melayu. Singapura adalah negeri Melayu yang digadaikan kepada Inggeris. Sabah dan Sarawak juga adalah negeri milik rumpun Melayu.
Bagaimanapun, penjajahan dan transmigrasi silam menyebabkan pola kependudukan wilayah Melayu ini berubah coraknya. Oleh sebab itulah, kemerdekaan tanah air ini menjelmakan Tanah Melayu sebagai sebuah negara majmuk.
Kemajmukan ini adalah akibat statistik bukan Melayu di Tanah Melayu yang bertambah sebagai impak daripada kebanjiran rakyat China dan India ke bumi Melayu di era penjajah. Mereka datang berdagang dan untuk menimba rezeki.
Contohnya, Abdullah Dahana (2002;38-39) memetik perangkaan penduduk Tanah Melayu seperti berikut: Tahun 1895: Melayu 63.9%; Cina dan India 29.4 %; 1921: Melayu 54%, Cina dan India 44.5%; 1931: Melayu 49.2%, Cina dan India 49%; 1947: Melayu 49.5%, Cina dan India 49.2%; 1957: Melayu 49.8%, Cina dan India 48.5%.
Statistik ini menjadi faktor utama keturunan Cina menggerakkan politik mengenai kewarganegaraan mereka di Tanah Melayu dalam era pasca Perang Dunia Kedua. Mereka menggunakan Republik Rakyat China sebagai sekutu Inggeris dalam perang tersebut, untuk mempengaruhi kerajaan Inggeris memberikan status kewarganegaraan yang sama dengan umat Melayu dan lain-lain pribumi di Tanah Melayu menerusi Gagasan Malayan Union.
Oleh sebab itulah, Gagasan Malayan Union ditentang habis-habisan oleh umat Melayu. Tetapi, dengan sedikit perubahan, akhirnya keturunan Cina dan India menjadi warganegara Persekutuan Tanah Melayu menerusi prinsip jus soli pada 1957.
Berdasarkan kajian seorang sarjana keselamatan, status Persekutuan Tanah Melayu sebelum penjajahan bolehlah dikategorikan sebagai nation-state, atau negara-bangsa di mana bangsa yang tunggal menentukan destinasi negaranya. Tetapi, selepas merdeka, ia menjadi state-nation, iaitu entiti di mana negara berperanan besar untuk menyatu padu, membentuk, serta membina bangsanya yang majmuk.
Implikasi statistik ini juga banyak dikaji oleh sejarawan, budayawan, sosiologis, dan saintis politik. Oleh itu, saya cadangkan kepada kelompok Melayu liberal dan universalis, termasuk seorang profesor madya dari Universiti Malaya yang baru-baru ini menyangkal pendapat Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mengenai Melayu, supaya membaca buku-buku mengenai sejarah kemajmukan rakyat Malaysia, yang antaranya adalah seperti berikut:
Malaysia, Victor Purcell (1965), The Making of Modern Malaysia and Singapore, N.J. Ryan (1969); Tanah Melayu Kurun Kesembilan belas, C.D. Cowan (1970); Glimpses of Malaysia History, Zainal Abidin Wahid (1970); Malaya: Perkembangan Masyarakat Majmuk, Graham Saunders (1978); Chinese Village Politics in the Malaysian States, Judith Strauch (1981); The Colonial Office, War, and Development Policy, J.M. Lee (1982); Nation Building in Malaysia, James Ongkili (1985).
The Malayan Union Controversy 1942-1948, Albert Lau (1991); Bumi Dipijak Milik Orang, Ahmad Fauzi Basri, Mohd. Idris Salleh & Shafee Saad (1991); Divide and Rule: the Roots of Race Relations in Malaysia, Collin Abraham (1997); China dan Malaysia Dalam Arena Perang Dingin 1949-1974, Abdullah Danana (2002); Chinese Politics in Malaya 1942-1945: The Dynamic of British Policy, Oong Hak Ching (2000); Sharing the Nation: Faith, Difference, Power and the State 50 Years After Merdeka, Norani Othman, Mavis Puthucheary & Clives Kessler (2008); dan Ethnic Relations in Malaysia: Harmony and Conflict, Syed Husin Ali (2008).
Pada 1963 hingga 1965, statistik kependudukan Malaysia pula menjadi paksi perjuangan konsep Malaysian Malaysia oleh seorang pemimpin politik Singapura. Pada ketika itu, 32 peratus penduduk Malaysia adalah Melayu, 42 peratus etnik Cina, kira-kira 10 peratus etnik India dan Pakistan, bakinya tujuh peratus adalah Iban, Kadazan, Kayan, Kelabit dan lain-lain etnik.
Statistik ini membuktikan, dalam era awal penubuhan Malaysia, bukan Melayu adalah seramai 52 peratus, Melayu 32 peratus, dan bumiputera tujuh peratus. Peratusan inilah yang menjadi faktor tersirat di sebalik perjuangan konsep Malaysian Malaysia yang kononnya untuk memberikan keadilan dan kesaksamaan kepada rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum.
Oleh sebab itulah, konsep Malaysia Malaysia mahu merubah Perlembagaan Persekutuan, khususnya untuk memansuhkan Fasal 153 mengenai keistimewaan Melayu dan bumiputera, serta untuk menjadikan bahasa Mandarin dan bahasa Tamil mempunyai status seperti bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Demikianlah huraian sejarah sewaktu umat Melayu menjadi minoriti secara statistiknya. Hakikat ini, berubah setelah Singapura terkeluar dari Malaysia pada pertengahan tahun 1965.
Hari ini, memang umat Melayu merupakan majoriti penduduk Malaysia. Tetapi, umat Melayu juga boleh menjadi kelompok minoriti dan kehilangan kuasa politik menerusi dua punca utama.
Satu, akibat penguncupan jumlah umat Melayu secara fizikal disebabkan oleh kemerosotan kadar kelahiran dan pertambahan kadar kematian. Kedua, akibat fregmentasi politik menerusi penubuhan pelbagai parti siasah yang berkonflik.
Oleh sebab itu, Tun Mahathir telah memberikan pandangan yang tepat. Umat Melayu memang akan menjadi minoriti politik di Malaysia jika mereka terus berpecah-pecah kepada pelbagai kelompok siasah yang berkonfrontasi.
Ini bermakna Tun Mahathir bukan membicarakan soal minoritinya umat Melayu berasaskan statistik, sebagaimana keturunan bukan Melayu memperjuangkan status mereka menerusi realiti statistik dalam era pra-merdeka. Sebaliknya, beliau meramalkan yang umat Melayu akan menjadi kuasa minoriti menerusi fregmentasi siasah.
Ini kerana Tun Mahathir melihat fregmentasi politik Melayu sebagai perpecahan yang menepati pepatah Melayu: "berkerat rotan, berpatah arang." Ini bermaksud, perpecahan Melayu menerusi kelompok siasah adalah atas dasar permusuhan dan persengketaan.
Dengan psikologi sedemikian, umat Melayu berkonflik sepanjang masa. Mereka juga sanggup bertindak dan bersuara sehingga menyebabkan umat Melayu sendiri diperkotak-katikkan oleh pihak lain.
Inilah namanya politik nafsu-nafsi. Seluruh kelompok politik Melayu hanya mengutamakan kepentingan sendiri. Hakikat agama, bangsa dan lain-lain aspek sosio-ekonomi sanggup mereka dedahkan tanpa batas di khalayak ramai. Akhirnya, Melayu menang sorak tanpa menyedari kemungkinan kuasa politik mereka tergadai ke pihak lain!
Hakikat ini berbeza dengan kaum Cina di Malaysia. Dari segi perangkaannnya, mereka memang lebih kecil bilangannya berbanding dengan umat Melayu. Tetapi, perpecahan keturunan Cina dalam politik tidak menyebabkan mereka mempunyai kuasa tawar-menawar yang lemah.
Buktinya, di samping MCA selaku parti tertua keturunan Cina di Malaysia, wujud SUPP di Sarawak, dan SCCP di Sabah, yang kesemuanya mewakili keturunan Cina dan menjadi komponen Barisan Nasional (BN).
Gerakan pun sama statusnya. Sebagai anggota BN, ia mendakwa sebagai sebuah parti multi-keturunan. Pada hakikatnya, ia adalah parti yang didominasikan oleh keturunan Cina. Oleh itu, hanya DAP sahaja yang merupakan kelompok keturunan Cina yang menjadi pembangkang.
Biarpun begitu, DAP tetap mempunyai ruang dialog dengan lain-lain komponen parti Cina dalam BN menerusi wadah sosio-budaya dan ekonomi, seperti menerusi Dewan Perniagaan Cina atau NGO pendidikan Cina di Malaysia.
Ini bermakdsud bahawa kaum Cina di Malaysia mempelbagaikan kelompok politiknya untuk memperoleh kuasa tawar-menawar yang lebih mantap, efektif, dan luas. Jika mereka hanya bertumpu kepada MCA, kuranglah kuota perwakilan mereka dalam Kabinet negara.
DAP yang bertindak sebagai pembangkang pula menjadi jurucakap keturunan Cina apabila parti komponen Cina dalam BN merasa segan silu untuk membicarakan isu berkenaan Cina demi untuk menjaga hati UMNO.
Dalam konteks ini, keturunan Cina menggunakan strategi perniagaan untuk memaksimumkan pengaruh, peluang, dan faedah politiknya, di samping mengimbangi realiti mereka yang minoriti dari segi statistik.
Adakah parti siasah pembangkang Melayu seperti Pas pernah duduk semeja dengan UMNO untuk mengartikulasikan isu-isu Melayu dan Islam untuk disuarakan dalam Parlimen, jika UMNO sendiri berasa berat hati untuk bertindak demikian?
Adakah PKR yang majoriti pemimpinnya adalah Melayu pernah memberikan ruang kemelayuan dalam gerak dan tindakan politiknya? Adakah sesuatu yang perkauman dan jijik untuk memperjuangkan isu Melayu dalam konteks Malaysia majmuk? Mengapakah bukan Melayu mempertikaikan isu Melayu tidak dicap rasialis?
Maka, di sinilah tersiratnya ketajaman minda Tun Mahathir menerusi pandangannya baru-baru ini. Tun Mahathir tidak bergurau, dan jauh sekali beliau berminda setengah masak. Tun Mahathir bertindak dan bersuara kerana kini wujud petanda bahawa umat Melayu mungkin memasuki era neo-kolonialisme dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan mereka semata-mata akibat sikap segelintir Melayu yang liberal dan universalis sama ada di dalam atau di luar parti pemerintah.
Moga-moga pandangan saya ini akan diperhalusi oleh para akademik tempatan, termasuk Prof. Madya Dr. Azmi Sharom, yang baru-baru ini menuduh Tun Mahathir sebagai berminda kurang matang. Sesungguhnya Tun Mahathir adalah negarawan ulung yang disegani oleh semua, termasuk komuniti antarabangsa!
Datuk Ibrahim Ali ialah Presiden Presiden Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa).
ARKIB : 26/06/2010 UM
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Memperkasa Melayu hadapi tuntutan, asakan
PADA zaman Sultan Mahmud mangkat dijulang, permasalahan orang Melayu tidak begitu kompleks. Kehidupan mereka seadanya. Sembang-sembang politik tidaklah mendalam dan mendasar. Kehidupan harian sangat sederhana dan berligar di sekitar empat penjuru tiang halaman rumah masing-masing. Tetapi, orang Melayu tahu menilai maruah dan harga diri. Tidak ada yang lebih dipelihara melainkan soal maruah, harga diri dan air muka. Maruah adalah segala-galanya bagi bangsa Melayu.
Banyak peristiwa 'amuk Melayu' berlaku sejak tahun 1944 yang dipimpin oleh Kiyai Salleh sehinggalah kes Natrah pada awal tahun 1950-an di Singapura dan tragedi berdarah 13 Mei 1969 membuktikan pemilikan bangsa Melayu pantang diusik atau diganggu gugat oleh sesiapapun, apatah lagi daripada anasir-anasir luar lingkungan bangsa Melayu sendiri.
Soal agama dengan segala bidang dan institusinya, bahasa, hak-hak yang terkanun dan tidak terkanun, institusi Raja yang berdaulat, norma-norma sosial bangsa Melayu yang begitu halus mengakar pada adat dan budayanya serta perkara-perkara lain yang dianggap sinonim dengan persoalan maruah bangsa tidak boleh dilanggar dan dipalit oleh sesiapapun.
Kesemua perkara ini juga termaktub kemas di dalam Watikah Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu yang dimeterai pada 31 Ogos 1957.
Pada peringkat awal kemasukan kaum- kaum pendatang ke Tanah Melayu dahulu, tidak banyak berlaku pergeseran kaum dan pencerobohan hak-hak orang Melayu kerana mereka tahu menjaga batas dan menghormati orang-orang Melayu.
Ia wujud mungkin kerana pada waktu itu mereka terpaksa menumpukan perhatian kepada soal-soal asasi seperti mendapatkan tempat tinggal, mengembangkan perniagaan dan terbukanya peluang dominasi ekonomi di wilayah baru (tentunya dengan perancangan dan bantuan pihak Inggeris), masalah kewarganegaraan, akomodasi dalam arus politik perdana Tanah Melayu, ketakutan mereka untuk pulang ke China akibat suasana politik di sana yang lebih menekan dan tidak menentu membuatkan mereka melihat Tanah Melayu lubuk yang lebih selesa bagi mengaut untung.
Namun, senario itu berubah setelah mereka memperoleh hak kerakyatan, pegangan ekuiti dan pemilikan sumber ekonomi yang semakin mencengkam, perkara-perkara tersurat dalam Perlembagaan yang boleh diberikan tafsiran semula dan dieksploitasi untuk lebih menghimpit orang Melayu serta beberapa perkara lain membuka ruang untuk mereka menangguk di air yang keruh.
Agenda menggoncang sendi-sendi bangsa Melayu dapat dilihat pada gelagat Lee Kuan Yew dan disemarakkan lagi dengan kenyataan Dr. Tan Chee Koon (pada waktu itu beliau memimpin Parti Buruh) yang mengkritik kerajaan tentang rancangan pendidikan dan sikap berat sebelah yang kononnya memberi kelebihan kepada anak-anak Melayu, tentang Maktab Mara dan sebagainya. Pendekatan yang agak komunal dengan mengemukakan statistik yang tidak tepat (perbandingan di antara pelajar Melayu dengan bukan Melayu dalam kursus-kursus profesional di IPTA ) bukan saja boleh menimbulkan dan membakar semangat kebencian antara kaum, bahkan ia boleh juga disifatkan sebagai jenayah politik yang sangat merbahaya pada waktu itu.
Khir Johari yang pada masa itu menerajui Kementerian Pelajaran menjawab tuduhan dan tohmahan tersebut dengan kata-kata beliau, "Sebahagian besar daripada mahasiswa Universiti Malaya dan Maktab Teknik adalah keturunan Cina dan tiap-tiap orang mendapat subsidi daripada kerajaan. Begitulah juga dengan Sekolah Tinggi Chung Ling Pulau Pinang yang mempunyai 3,500 orang murid dan 100 peratus terdiri daripada murid-murid Cina yang mendapat bantuan penuh dari kerajaan. Sekolah-sekolah lain seperti Victoria Institution, St. John, MBS di Kuala Lumpur, St. Michael dan ACS di Ipoh dan Penang Free School, kebanyakan muridnya terdiri daripada murid-murid Cina".
Sementara itu, Tunku Abdul Rahman yang sangat kecewa dengan sikap kaum imigran yang menyerlahkan tindak-tanduk seperti 'kacang lupakan kulit' pula memberikan kenyataan berikut: "Membina universiti Cina bererti menegakkan sesuatu yang sentiasa mengingatkan orang-orang Cina akan sifat Cina mereka dan bukan sebagai orang-orang Malaysia." Namun seperti biasa, jawapan dan kenyataan itu bagi mereka tidak cukup kuat untuk tidak mengizinkan kaum mereka menentukan dasar pelajaran sendiri.
Selepas terkeluarnya Singapura dari Tanah Melayu, pergolakan politik semakin kritikal khususnya setelah pihak pembangkang yang diterajui oleh beberapa parti politik bukan Melayu mendapat kejayaan di luar dugaan semasa Pilihan Raya Umum 1969 hingga akhirnya membawa kepada berlakunya tragedi berdarah 13hb Mei, 1969 akibat reaksi keterlaluan dan di luar batas kesopanan yang ditunjukkan oleh para pengikut mereka.
Setelah PAP menutup bukunya di Malaysia, DAP mengambil alih tugas sacred mission PAP dalam meneruskan perjuangan meleburkan benteng dan meranapkan kewibawaan bangsa Melayu dengan melontarkan gagasan Malaysian Malaysianya untuk mewujudkan padang yang 'sama rata'.
Persoalannya apakah perubahan sikap dan pendirian kaum imigran terhadap orang Melayu itu menjadi bertambah baik dan usaha pemupukan perpaduan kaum meningkat? Apa yang nyata ialah asakan dan tuntutan mereka semakin menjadi-jadi serta menampakkan kegilaan yang sukar dibendung, apatah lagi warna perkauman DAP terutamanya, yang amat pekat itu kini dicairkan oleh penglibatan dan sokongan sebilangan orang Melayu yang lupa di mana bumi dipijak dan tempat langit dijunjung.
PENULIS ialah Ketua Penerangan
Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Negara
UMNO dan PAS bertindak sebagai satu Bangsa Melayu!
Kali pertama PAS bertindak menyokong UMNO didalam sidang Dewan Rakyat ialah pada 31 Januari 1962. Ketika itu Presiden PAS Dr.Burhanuddin Al Helmy telah berucap bagi menyatakan sokongan kepada usul yang sangat penting yang dikemukakan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tun Abd.Razak Hussein pada sidang Dewan Rakyat pada 29 dan 30 Januari 1962.
Usul yang dikemukakan oleh Kerajaan Perikatan pimpinan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al Haj, dan dibacakan di Dewan Rakyat oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri , ialah berkenaan pindaan kepada Perlembagaan Merdeka 1956. Usul itu ialah bagi mencadangkan supaya beberapa pindaan dibuat kepada tiga perkara, iaitu, kerakyatan,mengecilkan kawasan pilihanraya dan kewangan.
Dr.Burhanuddin sebagai Presiden PAS telah membahaskan sokongan parti PAS terhadap usul itu didalam sidang Dewan Rakyat pada 31 Januari 1962. Menurut beliau sokongan PAS bagi rang undang-undang pindaan perlembagaan itu “ialah untuk melahirkan rakyat yang benar-benar mempunyai taat setia yang tidak berbelah bagi kepada negeri ini – itulah isi kandungan memorandum PAS semasa merdeka dahulu”. (Dibawah ini nanti akan kita perturunkan sepenuhnya Memorandum PAS kepada Suruhanjaya Reid ketika menentang Perlembagaan Merdeka 1956).
Dr.Burhanuddin dan PAS inginkan satu sistem kerakyatan yang dapat menjamin wujudnya satu kebangsaan yang tegas bagi Tanah Melayu yang merdeka.
Prinsip kedua sokongan PAS ialah bagi mendapatkan semula kekuatan dan kedudukan politik orang Melayu sebagai pribumi Tanah Melayu. Dr.Burhanuddin berkata:-
“PAS menegaskan bahawa bangsa Melayu adalah tulang belakang yang sebenarnya menanggung hak dan ketuanan negeri ini dan kepada bangsa itulah taat setianya tidak berbelah bagi yang tidak ada negeri lain melainkan negeri ini....kita menuntut satu perlembagaan yang betul-betul merupakan perpindahan didalamnya kedaulatan ketuanan bangsa Melayu mempunyai hak mutlak ketuanan negeri ini. Dan dengan ketuanan itulah kita berikan pertimbangan daripada hak pilihan kita sendiri dan kemahuan kita sendiri menentukan satu kerakyatan yang akan diberikan kepada satu kebangsaan yang tulen....dan dengan kesedaran sekarang inilah pindaan ini sebagai menampal kebocoran-kebocoran hak ketuanan Melayu-sokongan kita itu bersetuju dengan apa yang kita perjuangkan. UMNO sudah sedar bahawa kebocoran itu mesti diperbaiki....dengan pindaan itu nanti bertambah dekatlah perpaduan kebangsaan Melayu seperti yang diharapkan oleh PAS”
Rang undang-undang pindaan itu terhasil atas kesedaran UMNO dan Perikatan untuk mengetatkan kerakyatan dan dengan itu membolehkan penarikan semula 1,400,000 kerakyatan daripada mereka yang tidak berhak mendapatkannya, samaada kerana mereka tidak lahir disini,tidak mempunyai kesetiaan kepada Persekutuan Tanah Melayu atau mempunyai dua kerakyatan (dual nationality) dalam satu masa.
Buat pertama kalinya didalam Dewan Rakyat, UMNO dan PAS sekata dalam sesuatu isu. UMNO dan PAS bertindak sebagai satu bangsa Melayu yang bekerja untuk menjaga keselamatan bangsa Melayu daripada terus tenggelam dengan kemasukan orang asing dengan begitu mudah dalam politik Negara. Bagi anggota Perikatan yang lain pula, sokongan mereka kepada pindaan itu pada dasarnya bukanlah kerana kepentingan bangsa Melayu, tetapi kerana hubungannya dengan UMNO sebagai parti komponen Perikatan. Maka pindaan itu telah diterima dengan 80 menyokong dan 12 menentang.
Apakah pendirian PAS sebenarnya didalam soal kerakyatan bagi Persekutuan Tanah Melayu merdeka ? Berikut adalah memorandum PAS kepada Suruhan Jaya Reid yang merangka Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu:-
1. Ini ada-lah satu penyata di-kemukakan oleh Persatuan Islam Sa-Malaya (PAS) kepada Suruhan Jaya Perlembagaan yang di-tugaskan bagi memereksa dan membuat shor, pindaan atau sa-bagai-nya atas Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dengan memerhatikan asas2 yang di-tentukan dalam tugas Surohan Jaya itu.
2. Dalam mengemukakan penyata ini Persatuan ini lebeh dahulu menarek perhatian Surohan Jaya itu kepada beberapa perkara saperti berikut:-
A. Bahwa negeri ini ada-lah NEGARA MELAYU dan hak BANGSA MELAYU yang telah di-buktikan oleh sejarah dan di-akui oleh undang2 dari satu ka-satu masa. Maka tugas Surohan Jaya Perlembagaan ini pada perenggan yang kelima Cheraian 5 untok mengawal kedudokan Melayu di-negeri ini jangan-lah di-lihatkan dari segi yang lain dari pada hakikat yang tersebut di-atas. Sa-barang perchubaan, sama ada berpelembagaan atau tidak-nya hendak mengubah hakikat ini ada-lah salah dari segi hak manusia dan undang2. Bangsa Melayu hanya mempunyai satu kedudokan dalam negeri ini ia-itu mereka-lah yang punya negeri ini dan kedaulatan mereka ada-lah kedaulatan mutlak dalam negeri ini.
B. Jadi dari itu tugas yang kelima yang tersebut jangan-lah ditafsirkan hendak memberi ke-istemewaan kechil2 bagi Bangsa Melayu, sa-balek-nya ada-lah tugas Surohan Jaya itu menetapkan bahwa KEDAULATAN BANGSA MELAYU DI-NEGERI INI IA-LAH MEREKA MEMPUNYAI KEDAULATAN MUTLAK DI-DALAM-NYA.
C. Bahwa kenyataan Politic yang ada dan sedang berjalan di-Persekutuan Tanah Melayu ini tidak-lah sa-benar2-nya merupakan hakikat yang sejati bagi kedudokan Politic-nya. Sa-balik-nya kenyataan2 itu ada-lah di-timbulkan oleh beberapa keadaan2 yang di-bawa oleh penjajahan Politic dan Economy yang bermaharajalela dalam negeri ini samenjak beratus2 tahun.
D. Jadi jangan-lah kenyataan2 itu di-jadi-kan ukuran yang hak dalam Politic negeri ini. Kelemahan kedudokan bangsa Melayu dalam economy dan pelajaran telah meletakkan mereka di-satu taraf yang menyebabkan hak Politic mereka yang mutlak itu tiada berkesan dan longgar. Maka dari segi undang2 ada-lah salah sa-kira-nya keadaan itu di-jadikan helah bagi merampas kuasa Politic mereka. Kalau-lah bangsa Melayu itu kuat dalam economy dan pelajaran-nya sudah barang tentu pada masa ini tiada terdapat kekusutan2 Politic yang memaksa kedatangan Surohan Jaya itu ka-negeri ini.
E. Persatuan ini, oleh sebab yang di-atas, menuntut supaya Surohan Jaya ini berpegang kepada hak manusia yang menegaskan bahwa lemah atau kuat-nya sa-sa-suatu bangsa itu bukan-lah menjadi ukuran kepada berhak atau tidak-nya mereka dalam sa-suatu.
F. Bahwa negeri ini dari satu masa ka-satu masa telah membuka-kan pintu-nya kepada bangsa2 asing yang telah tertarek kepada kekayaan negeri ini dan telah mendapat ni’mat hidup di-dalam-nya dengan tiada terganggu walau sedikit pun hingga-kan pada masa ini bilangan orang2 asing dinegeri ini dan kedudokan mereka dalam semua lapangan telah lebeh dari pada bangsa Melayu yang ada-lah bumiputra bagi negeri ini. Sa-siapa yang datang ka-negeri ini dapat melihat, bahwa tiada sa-buah negeri pun atau satu bangsa pun yang telah menerima baik dan memberi layanan penoh kepada orang2 asing lebeh dari pada Negeri Melayu dan Bangsa Melayu.
G. Jadi tuntutan berkenaan dengan hak kera’ayatan sama ada berupa Jus Soli atau pun berupa kelonggaran sharat2 kera’ayatan yang di-kemukakan oleh orang2 asing itu bukan-lah di-asaskan atas kesempitan hak hidup ma’amor yang di-rasai mereka, tetapi ada-lah di-terbitkan oleh perasaan tama’ dan haloba kepada kuasa yang telah pun di-dapati mereka pada masa ini.
H. Dalam menegaskan ini, Persatuan ini tidak-lah sekali2 memandang soal ini dari segi perkauman atau dari perasaan dengki atas kemajuan dan kemewahan yang dichapai oleh bangsa asing dalam negeri ini. Sa-benar-nya Bangsa Melayu tiada-lah sekali2 merasai dengki saperti itu, sa-balek-nya suka kepada kemajuan2 mereka; akan tetapi dalam masharakat negeri ini menuju kemerdekaan-nya dan segala usaha-nya, di-tumpukan untuk itu.
I. Bangsa Melayu merasa tersinggong kerana burok-nya niat pehak yang menuntut kuasa Politic itu dengan tiada sebab yang ma’kul mengehendaki mereka berbuat begitu. Langkah mereka itu hanya akan merosakkan perjuangan umat negeri ini menchapai kemerdekaan;dan Persatuan ini ada-lah menentang sa-barang perbuatan yang munkin melambat-kan kemerdekaan negeri ini.
J. Bahwa persamaan hak dan kera’ayatan Jus Soli yang di-tuntut oleh orang2 dagang itu dengan alas an bahwa itu ada-lah hak2 asasi manusia tidak-lah boleh di-jadikan sandaran dalam hal ini dalam negeri ini. Kerana negeri ini, dengan sebab2 yang di-timbulkan oleh penjajahan ka-atas bangsa Melayu, telah pun mereka mendapat hak2 saperti itu saperti mana yang telah tersebut di-atas tadi. Pada pendapat Persatuan ini sa-belom memberikan hak penoh dan tanggong jawab penuh kepada orang2 itu ada-lah mustahak kita merasa puas hati terlebeh dahulu tentang keta’atan mereka yang tidak berbelah bahagi dan tanggong jawab mereka yang penoh terhadap negeri ini dalam lapangan Politic, Undang2, Kebudayaan dan kemusharakatan. Ini, Persatuan Islam Sa-Malaya ini berani menegaskan belom-lah terdapat lagi pada semua orang2 dagang itu, walau pun yang di-peranakkan di-negeri ini hingga masa ini. Jadi Persatuan Islam Sa-Malaya suka memperingatkan Surohan Jaya ini jangan-lah keliru atau terpedaya dengan riuh rendah yang di-buat2 oleh mereka itu dalam soal ini, kerana bahwa tuntutan2 itu ada-lah di-kemukakan oleh orang yang tak pun berhak dalam negeri ini, sebab kebanyakan mereka bukan-lah rakyat negeri ini.
K. Surohan Jaya ini ada-lah di-ingatkan Bahwa sekira-nya kera’ayatan Jus Soli dan hak persamaan di-beri kepada mereka itu, maka negeri i ni akan menjadi sa-buah negeri yang terdedah kepada pengkhianatan2 yang akibat-nya akan mem-bahyakan kemerdekaan negeri ini. Itu ada-lah ber-lawanan dengan tugas Surohan Jaya ini menggubal Perlembagaan negeri ini sa-bagai sa-buah negeri yang MERDEKA yang mempunyai kerajaan pusat yang kuat.
3. Sa-telah mengingatkan perkara2 di-atas, Persatuan ini meminta kepada Surohan Jaya ini supaya sentiasa ingat bahwa suasana Politic di-Tanah Melayu ini ada-lah Istimewa dan mempunyai kedudukan yang bersendirian, chara2 merongkaikan kesulitan2 Politic itu pula tidak mudah dan mempunyai sharat2 yang bersendirian; dan sa-barang per-chobaan merongkaikan-nya semata2 dengan pertimbangan theory dan ukoran di-permukaan sahaja akan gagal dan akan mengechewakan negeri ini dan penduduk2-nya. Mengkaji kesulitan dan menchari rongkaian Politic di-negeri ini mesti-lah dengan pandangan yang dalam, perhatian yang lama dan pendirian bijaksana. Oleh sebab itu-lah maka Persatuan ini tidak pun bersetuju dengan sebarang Surohan Jaya Perlembagaan yang datang dari luar negeri dan tidak perchaya akan kesanggupan-nya menyelanggarakan soal yang sangat rumit ini.
4. Dalam keselurohan-nya, Perlembagaan negeri ini hendak-lah di-asaskan dan di-rangkaikan menurut tuntutan keadaan politic-nya, bentuk musharakat-nya dan Ilmu Alam tanah-nya. Politik negeri ini menyatakan bahwa bangsa Melayu ada-lah bumiputra negeri ini dan kedaulatan Politic ada-lah di-tangan mereka dengan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan2 Melayu sa-bagai kepala negeri masing2 dan bahwa orang2 asing biar pun kedudukan mereka ada-lah menumpang dalam negeri ini dan taraf mereka ada-lah sa-bagai orang dagang sahaja.
5. Oleh kerana keadaan Politic negeri ini sa-bagai di-atas, maka bentuk musharakat-nya dan kebudayaan-nya mesti-lah mengikut kedaulatan Bangsa Melayu itu pula. Dalam Perlembagaan negeri ini hendak-lah tegas bahwa kebudayaan negeri ini hendak-lah di-asaskan atas kebudayaan Melayu dengan Ugama Islam sa-bagai ugama resmi-nya, susunan musharakat dan pelajaran negeri ini mesti-lah di-pancharkan dari kebudayaan Melayu dan menuju perkembangan-nya.
6. Kedudukan Ilmu Alam negeri2 Melayu ini sudah barang tentu menuntut sa-buah Kerajaan pusat yang kuat. Persatuan ini berpendapat bahwa susunan saperti bentuk kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang ada ini ada-lah chukup bagi negeri ini pada masa ini dengan sedikit tambahan atau pindaan dalam beberapa perkara menurut perkembangan Politic-nya. Persekutuan negeri2 Melayu hendak-lah di-kemaskan dengan mengekal-kan kuasa otonomi dalam perkara yang munasabah.
7. Persatuan ini bersetuju pada asas-nya menubohkan suatu susunan Perlembagaan yang mempunyai dua Dewan Perundangan saperti yang ada di-dalam negeri2 lain dengan sharat susunan di-buat menurut kehendak dan keadaan negeri ini saperti yang tersebut.
8. Ssusunan Parliamant ini ada-lah tunduk di-bawah kedaulatan Duli2 Yang Maha Mulia Sultan2 Melayu yang di-pusatkan kuasa-nya kepada Dewan Raja2 Melayu denngan Yang Di-Pertuan Besar Persekutuan Negeri2 Melayu se-bagai Pengurusi-nya. Maka Yang DiPertuan Besar Persekutuan Negeri2 Melayu itu hendak-lah di-pileh oleh Dewan Raja2 Persekutuan negeri2 Melayu itu sendiri, dan kuasa-nya di-tentukan se-bagai Raja yang berpelembagaan sahaja.
9. Pada pendapat Persatuan ini sa-lain dari yang di-sebutkan dalam Perenggan (8) tiada-lah apa2 perubahan perlembagaan dalam taraf Duli2 Yang Maha Mulia Sultan2 Melayu se-bagai Sultan dalam negeri masing2.
10. Dalam hal kera’ayatan negeri ini Persatuan ini memandang bahwa asas kera’ayatan yang ada di-dalam perjanjian 1948 itu hendaklah di-pakai dengan perubahan seperti di-bawah ini:-
A. Masa sa-sa-orang dagang itu tinggal di-Tanah Melayu ini sa-belum meminta kera’ayatan negeri ini hendak-lah tidak kurang dari pada lima belas tahun dengan tidak putus2nya.
B. Persatuan ini membantah sama-sekali pemakaian kaedah Jus Soli bagi orang2 dagang di-negeri ini dengan asas seperti yang di-sebutkan dalam perenggan (2) cheraian (b), (i), (j), dan (k), walau dengan apa sharat sekali pun.
C. Persatuan ini menetapkan bahwa kebangsaan negeri ini mesti-lah kebangsaan Melayu, kerana kedaulatan negeri ini, ada-lah pada bangsa Melayu dan Raja2 Melayu. Jangan-lah Surohan Jaya ini menchoba meng-shorkan nama kebangsaan yang lain dari kebangsaan Melayu.
11. Sa-telah mempunyai kera’ayatan yang tetap itu maka hendak-lah di-rekamkan dalam perlembagaan negeri ini bahwa sa-siapa yang telah menchapai masa tinggal di-negeri ini saperti ini atau pun tetap sa-bagai orang dagang; ini sangat-lah penting bagi ketenteraman negeri ini sebab sakira-nya telah sabegitu lama tinggal di-negeri ini dan maseh juga tiada mahu menjadi ra’yat negeri ini, maka ada-lah kewajipan kerajaan negeri ini melayani sechara orang dagang.
12. Persatuan ini tidak mempunyai sedikit pun keperchayaan bahwa ada satu jaminan yang di-namakan memelihara kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu, sebab ada-lah hak yang jelas mutlak bahawa kedaulatan negeri ini ter-letak pada bangsa Melayu dan itu-lah kedudukan istimewa mereka yang mesti di-hormati dan di-kekalkan.
13. Persatuan ini sangat setuju memelihara kepentingan puak2 lain yang halal dan menurut pendapat Persatuan ini saperti mana yang di-terangkan lebeh dahulu dari ini kepentingan itu sudah pun di-pelihara pada masa ini. Kan tetapi Persatuan ini tidak sekali2 membenarkan kepentingan2 itu menjalar hingga kepada sat tingkatan merupakan tama’ merebut kuasa dari pada pehak puak2 yang lain; sebab itu ada-lah terang2 berlawanan dengan kedaulatan bangsa Melayu seperti di-sebutkan di-atas tadi.
14. Berkenaan dengan Negeri2 Selat Pulau Pinang dan Melaka, maka Persatuan ini tiada bersetuju dengan asas Surohan Jaya Perlembagaan ini yang terlalu kuat menegaskan kedudukan Baginda Queen dalam dua wilayah itu, pada pendapat Persatuan ini kedua2-nya itu hendak-lah di-jadikan negeri Melayu semula, sama ada bersendiri atau berchantum dengan sa-suatu negeri Melayu yang ada. Pada pendapat Persatuan ini hal ini ada-lah satu hak yang halal bagi penduduk2 negeri ini terutama bangsa Melayu. Dan Kerajaan British yang menjanjikan kemerdekaan negeri ini hendak-lah menunjokkan niat baik-nya dengan menyerahkan kedua2 wilayah itu samula kepada Persekutuan Negeri2 Melayu ini. Se-kiranya taraf kedua wilayah itu tidak di-ubah sechara ini, maka tugas Surohan Jaya ini yang hendak meujudkan satu kerajaan pusat yang kuat bagi Tanah Melayu yang merdeka itu tidak sekali2 dapat di-hasilkan.
Buku ini adalah satu pembacaan yang baik kepada semua anak-anak muda pewaris generasi, supaya mendapat pengetahuan tentang bagaimana pejuang-pejuang Melayu terdahulu, menyumbang kepada pembinaan nusa dan bangsa.
Seharusnya dengan itu, seseorang tidak akan tersasar dari landasan dan tidak mudah dikelirukan akibat tidak mengetahui perjalanan sejarah. Umpama berjalan didalam gelap tanpa tahu arah dan tuju.
Baca dan halusi setiap patah perkataan didalam Memorandum PAS kepada Suruhanjaya Bebas yang merangka Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu tersebut. Didalam bait-bait yang tertulis itu ialah gambaran sebahagian dari kemelut perjuangan bangsa diambang kemerdekaan.
Bagaimana masing-masing berperanan dan setakat mana mereka berjaya atau gagal dalam memainkan peranan masing-masing, sejarah yang menjadi hakim.
Bagaimana relevannya dengan keadaan politik pada hari ini ? Berpandukan sejarah, seseorang itu berpeluang mengkaji dan cari panduan dalam meniti perjuangan.
Ketuanan Melayu, Malaysia dan perjuangan waktu itu.
"Soal Malaysia sekali lagi dibincangkan oleh Dewan Rakyat pada 1 Mei 1962. Dr.Burhanuddin yang berasa tidak puas hati dengan konsep Malaysia yang ingin ditubuhkan oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman sejak tahun 1961, telah membangkitkan hal ini sekali lagi dengan membuat satu cadangan balas kepada idea tersebut. Beliau ingin menentukan bahawa cita-citanya untuk melihat penyatuan Gugusan Pulau-pulau Melayu menjadi kenyataan. Cadangannya itu berbunyi:-
"Bahawa Dewan ini mengambil ketetapan oleh kerana Melayu Raya itu pada dasarnya ialah Gugusan Pulau-pulau Melayu, hendaklah dimasukkan didalam Rancangan Melayu Raya itu daerah-daerah Indonesia dan Filipina dan hendaklah Perdana Menteri membuat rundingan awal dengan pihak negara-negara Indonesia dan Filipina bagi mewujudkan kesatuan Melayu Raya itu".
Beliau juga mencadangkan bendera Indonesia Sang Saka Merah Putih sebagai bendera kebangsaan bagi Melayu Raya.
Seperti yang telah diduganya, perbahasan tentang cadangannya itu tidak mendapat sambutan tokoh-tokoh utama UMNO. Hanya Ahli Parlimen UMNO dari peringkat negeri telah menjawab hujah-hujah Dr.Burhanuddin dan penyokongnya Hj.Hassan Adli, Ketua Pemuda PAS dan Ahli Parlimen PAS bagi Terengganu Utara. Cadangan itu ditolak tanpa perlu mengambil undi ahli Dewan Rakyat.
Walaupun Dr.Burhanuddin gagal dalam cadangannya, tetapi beliau dan PAS tidak berputus asa. Perjuangan membela kepentingan orang melayu diteruskan oleh pemimpin PAS yang lain. Haji Hassan Adli, Ketua Pemuda dan Ahli Parlimen PAS Terengganu Utara, misalnya, telah membawa satu usul yang berdasarkan prinsip yang sama tetapi lebih menjurus kepada Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Cadangannya berbunyi "Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dipunyai oleh orang Melayu dirakamkan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan", telah dikemukakan pada 5 Oktober 1962. Alasan Haji Hassan Adli juga berteraskan hujah Dr.Burhanuddin sendiri. Soal ketuanan Melayu misalnya menjadi salah satu sebabnya. Usul ini bagi beliau bertujuan 'untuk menyedarkan ahli-ahli politik Tanah Melayu tentang arah politik dan keadaan politik Tanah Melayu pada masa hadapan. Bagi orang Melayu, mereka boleh tahu apakah hak keistimewaan Melayu, apakah hak mutlak, apakah hak ketuanan mereka yang selama ini menjadi pusaka suci bagi mereka dan keturunan mereka akan kekal atau tidak pada masa akan datang'. Dengan kata lain, beliau melihat adanya cabaran-cabaran ahli politik bukan Melayu yang akan menyebabkan pada satu masa nanti ada pihak yang akan melihat Fasal 153 Kedudukan Istimewa Melayu itu tidak lagi mustahak dari segi perundangan. [Hal ini telah timbul pada 1960an sehingga tercetus Peristiwa 13 Mei 1969. MAGERAN yang ditubuhkan terpaksa meminda Perlembagaan dan meletakkan ia sebagai suatu yang tidak boleh diperdebatkan dikhalayak ramai dan dianggap sensitif. Parti-parti pembangkang yang bersifat perkauman yang melampau diharamkan dan dharurat diperkenalkan selama beberapa tahun. Lee Kuan Yew, Ketua Menteri Singapura juga membangkitkan hal itu dalam konsep Malaysian Malaysia, iaitu mendesak keadilan dan hak sama rata bagi semua rakyat Malaysia; akibatnya bersama-sama dengan faktor lain, Tunku Abdul Rahman mengeluarkan Singapura daripada Malaysia pada 9 Ogos 1965].
Dr.Burhanuddin menyokong cadangan Haji Hassan Adli ini dengan pendirian yang sama saperti dahulu. Tindakan PAS membentangkan cadangan-cadangan yang diangap terlalu perkauman diatas telah menyebabkan kerajaan Perikatan mengadakan satu rang undang-undang tambahan dalam 'Internal Security Act' [ISA], dengan memberi kuasa yang lebih kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri, untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang kepada mereka yang 'membangkitkan perasaan permusuhan dan perkauman dalam Dewan Rakyat'. Pemerintah melihat tindakan PAS membuat cadangan dan menentang pemerintah dengan menegakkan kepentingan bangsa Melayu semata-mata akan menimbulkan ketegangan antara kaum. Sedangkan, semua pihak sepatutnya bekerjasama tanpa mengira bangsa bagi mengisi kemerdekaan yang baru dicapai. Perpaduan negara dan integrasi kaum sebagai satu bangsa memang menjadi falsafah kerajaan Perikatan. Maka, pindaan kepada rang undang-undang Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri [ISA] itu dibuat atas kesedaran itu.
Pada bulan Ogos 1963. The Malaysia Bill 1963 dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman. Kelulusan undang-undang ini akan membolehkan penubuhan Malaysia [menggabungkan Sabah,Sarawak dan Singapura dengan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu], secara sah oleh kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu pada 16 September 1963. Dr.Burhanuddin dalam memberi pendapatnya, menggulung semua ideanya yang telah diperkatakan selama ini. Beliau pada dasarnya tetap melihat penubuhan Malaysia oleh rang undang-undang ini tidak menepati erti kebangsaan Melayu Nusantara kerana Indonesia tidak termasuk didalamnya."
Demikian sedikit olahan dari petikan buku yang tersebut. Membaca buku seperti ini, seseorang boleh sedar dan membuat nilaian tentang bagaimana pemain-pemain politik dahulu, berpeluang berperanan dalam melahirkan sebuah negara dan berperanan menentukan wajah dan rupa bentuknya. Peluang dihari itu dan bagaimana ia digunakan, akan dihakimi kesan, kejayaan atau kegagalan serta kebijaksanaan mereka berperanan, oleh generasi pewaris dihari muka. Perjuangan yang berwawasan akan sentiasa konsisten dan pejuangannya kental berprinsip. Perjuangan yang kabur akan sentiasa bertukar wajah dan corak mengikut keperluan, tanpa konsistensi dalam tindak-tanduk, dan ia akan dapat dilihat dan dihakimi oleh generasi pewaris melalui catatan sejarah. Catatan sejarah juga merakamkan jejak dan panduan untuk meneruskan perjalanan atau membetulkan perjalanan, sepertimana kata bijak pandai bahawa "orang yang tidak belajar dari sejarah, sejarah akan mengajarnya" dan bahawa "sejarah sentiasa berulang"! Oleh itu, kita yang mewarisi negara bertuah ini dari pejuang terdahulu, adakah kita arif tentang bagaimana sesuatu itu bermula? Atau kita lebih gengsi dengan hanya berkata "tidak relevan"? Jika yang kedua itu pendirian kita, maka, orang yang tidak ada apa yang kita ada, akan berkata "benar, benar itu semua tidak relevan" dan hasilnya , kita akan kelam-kabut memulakan perjuangan baru , untuk mendapatkan semula "hak yang dipunyai, yang terlepas, sebab diabaikan sebagai tidak relevan". Kemudian baru kita tahu menghargai apa maknanya "biar berputih tulang, jangan berputih mata" dan apa maknanya "airmata darah"!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
10 Sifat Peribadi Yang Mesti Dipupuk
Sifat peribadi yang luhur merupakan aset penting dan berharga dalam kehidupan seseorang. Ia menjamin kehidupan yang indah dan bahagia tidak kira lelaki mahupun wanita. Tidak semua dalam kalangan kita memiliki sifat mulia yang luhur ini sejak azali. Sebab itu ia harus dipupuk supaya sebati di dalam diri kita dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian. Pupuk dengan membuat banyak kebaikan sesama manusia, mendekati diri dengan Allah, tidak berniat dengan hati, perkataan mahupun perbuatan yang menyebabkan orang lain merasa kecil hati serta sentiasa bersedekah “ alfatihah “ untuk insan di dunia ini.
Hayati 10 sifat peribadi luhur di bawah, tanamkan ke dalam hati sanubari, lalui kehidupan yang lebih bahagia…InsyaALLAH……
- Tulus
- Rendah diri
- Setia
- Berfikiran positif
- Perwatakan ceria
- Bertanggungjawab
- Percaya kepada diri sendiri
- Pemaaf
- Mudah berkira
- Empati
Tulus -Tulus atau ‘transparent‘ merupakan sifat yang paling disukai oleh semua orang. Ketulusan akan membuatkan orang lain berasa aman dan dihargai dengan kehadiran kita. Orang yang tulus tidak akan memperbodoh atau berbohong apabila berkata-kata. Sebaliknya sentiasa menyatakan kebenaran, tidak suka mengada-ngada, berpura-pura, mencari-cari alasan atau memutar belitkan fakta. Prinsip tulus ialah “berkata benar walaupun pahit”. Namun begitu, adalah lebih sempurna jika sifat tulus ini digabungkan dengan kebijaksanaan. Supaya ketulusan tidak menjadi penyebab yang boleh merugikan diri sendiri.
Rendah diri- Bukan rendah diri di atas kelemahan, tetapi merendah diri kerana kehebatan dan kekuatan. Inilah yang sukar manusia lakukan. Hanya orang-orang yang berjiwa kental mampu bersikap rendah diri. Ibarat padi yang semakin berisi semakin menunduk. Orang yang bersikap rendah diri mampu mengakui dan menghargai keunggulan orang lain. Sikap sebegini mampu memberi impak terhadap dua situasi.
Pertama, membuatkan orang yang lebih tinggi pangkatnya daripada kita untuk berasa segan dengan kita.
Kedua, membuatkan orang yang lebih rendah pangkatnya daripada kita untuk tidak merasa kekok apabila berinteraksi dengan kita. Hebat bukan?
Setia- Kesetiaan merupakan satu sifat yang tinggi nilainya. Orang yang setia sentiasa dipercayai dan boleh diharap, selalu menepati janji, mempunyai komitmen yang tinggi, rela berkorban dan tidak khianat.Tetapi kadang-kadang kesetiaan kita dicabar, itu dinamakan dugaan. Berserah pada Allah jika kesetiaan kita tidak dihargai kerana Allah maha mengetahui.
Berfikiran positif- Orang yang bersikap positif sentiasa berusaha melihat segala sesuatu dengan pandangan positif, meskipun dalam situasi yang buruk. Orang sebegini lebih suka membicarakan kebaikan daripada keburukan orang lain, lebih suka membicarakan tentang harapan daripada kekecewaan, lebih suka mencari penyelesaian daripada berputus asa, lebih suka memuji daripada mengecam, dan sebagainya. Kadang kala berfikiran positif dianggap untuk mengangkat bakul sendiri, apa pun hanya kita sahaja yang tahu sejauh mana keikhlasan kita dalam berfikiran positif. Pedulikan apa yang orang kata kerana setiap kebenaran itu akan terserlah jua akhirnya.
Berperwatakan ceria - Bukan semua orang dianugerahi wajah yang ceria. Oleh itu keceriaan tidak harus dinilai dari ekspresi wajah dan tubuh tetapi sikap dalaman (hati). Orang yang ceria adalah orang yang dapat menikmati hidup, tidak suka mengeluh dan selalu berusaha meraih kegembiraan. Dia juga mampu mentertawakan situasi, orang lain, juga dirinya sendiri. Dia mempunyai potensi untuk menghibur dan mendorong semangat orang lain. Namun ada kala tidak semua manusia mampu menceriakan orang lain, adakala terpaksa berlakun demi kebaikan orang lain.. yang penting ikhlas untuk niat member kebahagian untuk orang lain.
Bertanggungjawab- Orang yang bertanggungjawab akan melaksanakan kewajipannya dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Andai melakukan kesalahan, dia berani mengakuinya. Ketika mengalami kegagalan, dia tidak akan mencari kambing hitam untuk dipersalahkan ( lebih baik bersemuka dari menyimpan perasaan marah atau buruk sangka yang berterusan). Bahkan kalau dia merasa kecewa dan sakit hati, dia tidak akan menyalahkan siapapun. Dia menyedari bahawa dirinya sendirilah yang bertanggungjawab atas apa pun yang dialami dan dirasakannya 9 muhasabah diri terlebih dahulu).
Percaya kepada diri sendiri - Rasa percaya kepada diri sendiri memungkinkan seseorang itu menerima dirinya sebagaimana yang dianugerahkan oleh Allah s.w.t, menghargai dirinya dan menghargai orang lain. Orang yang percaya kepada diri sendiri mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan dan situasi yang baru. Dia tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya dan melakukannya dengan baik.
Pemaaf - Kebesaran jiwa dapat dilihat dari kemampuan seseorang memaafkan orang lain. Orang yang berjiwa besar tidak membiarkan dirinya dikuasai oleh rasa marah/ benci dan permusuhan. Ketika menghadapi masa-masa sukar dia tetap tegar, tidak membiarkan dirinya hanyut dalam kesedihan dan kekecewaan tetapi sebagai manusia sifat ini tidak akan lari dari kita ( hati yang lembut) . Sesungguhnya orang yang memulakan sapaan kepada orang lain (terutamanya musuh) lebih baik dan mulia daripada mereka yang cuba berpaling muka dan merasa amat rugi untuk memulakan sapaan. Allah tidak memandang rendah pada insan yang sedemikian , sekali pun insan ini adalah seorang pesalah/ musuh.
Tidak Mudah berkira- Orang yang tidak mudah berkira menganggap hidup ini ringan. Dia tidak suka membesar-besarkan masalah kecil. Bahkan berusaha mengecilkan masalah-masalah besar. Malah kesabarannya diganti dengan mendekati dan kembali kepada Allah. Dia lebih suka jika kesalahan itu disandarkan ke bahunya, walaupun kesalahan itu bukan ciptaannya.. Dia tidak mahu memeningkan kepala dan memberi tekanan kepada diri sendiri ( jangan pentingkan diri) dengan masalah-masalah yang berada di luar kawalannya. Namun kita tidak boleh terlalu mudah berkira .ahhh biarkanlah tanpa berusaha memahami satu pihak yang lain kerana dikhuatiri akan membawa persengketaan yang boleh menyebabkan kita dibenci Allah.
Empati- Empati adalah sifat yang sangat mengagumkan. Orang yang mempunyai sifat empati bukan sahaja merupakan seorang pendengar yang baik tetapi juga dapat menempatkan diri di tempat orang lain. Ketika berlaku konflik dia akan selalu mencari jalan keluar terbaik bagi kedua belah pihak.. Dia juga tidak suka memaksa pendapat dan kehendaknya sendiri. Dia selalu berusaha memahami dan mengerti perasaan orang lain. Orang yang bersifat empati, akan sentiasa mendoakan kebahagian orang lain dan mahu melihat orang lain bahgia.
10 sifat peribadi luhur di atas sangat berharga jika dapat diadaptasi dalam hati masing-masing. Sesukar mana sekalipun kia cuba untuk memperbaiki diri ke arah kebahagian. Selagi kita bernama manusia, tidak akan lari dari sifat yang bertentangan dengan 10 sifat peribadi luhur di atas. Bukan mudah, tetapi berbaloi jika dapat sentiasa ditanam, dipupuk dan dirasai oleh semua orang. Anda akan rasai kenikmatan jika mampu mengamalkannya dalam kehidupan. Kalau bercakap soal tekanan, sudah pasti ada, kena ingat Allah tidak akan menguji hambaNYa , jika ia tidak layak untuk diuji. Kenalah banyak-banyak bersabar sekalipun pahit untuk ditelan. sesungguhnya yang pahit itu penawar kepada kesakitan. Jika setiap masalah atau dugaan dapat dihadapi dengan lebih mendekatikan diri kepadaNya , itu tanda anda insan yang amat dicintai Allah kerana kembali kepadaNYa dan masih kekal untuk bersandar kepadaNya tetapi jika tidak ada tanda-tanda yang dimaksudkan, ini menunjukkan anda dalam kalangan orang yang paling rugi di dunia ini sekalipun Allah turunkan rezeki yang kadang kala tidak memberi kelazatan dari rezeki tersebut. Fikir dan renungkan.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Accolades for Ibrahim Ali
Young Ibrahim Ali with Datuk Mohamad Nasir in the 1977 Kelantan crisis
All praises to Allah.
Equally getting as much limelight as Prime Minister Dato Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak after yesterday's 10 Malaysia Plan presentation at Parliament was Perkasa President Dato Ibrahim Ali.
Through sheer determination, Ibrahim managed to gather "Melayu biasa", devoid of political power, money and capital, and positions but armed with aspiration and determination, to express their voices loudly and gave hope to the almost further marginalised 67% Bumiputera of Malaysia.
Ibrahim and his team at Perkasa and Majlis Perundingan Melayu managed to thwart off attempt by the self serving left leaning Chinese chauvanistic NGOs and activists and hungry and powerful fringe group of Melayu liberal to end all form of affirmative action.
Dato Najib announced five major initiatives to "memperkasakan" the Bumiputera economic agenda.
There were institutionalising Bumiputera equity holdings, increase Bumiputera property holding, improve the program to develop skills and entrepreneurship, and effective development of profesional Bumiputera.
Lastly, the Government announced the establishment of the Council On Bumiputera Development headed by the Prime Minister himself. This was better than their request for reinstate MeCD, or placing MARA under PM's Department.
The joy to Ibrahim and his team from all quarters was that almost all the 31 resolutions of Kongres Ekonomi Bumiputera was being considered and encompassed within the five initiatives of the 10 Malaysia Plan.
Few months back, there was not even a word of Bumiputera mentioned in the unpublished version of the New Economic Model.
The road for Ibrahim and Perkasa had been a rocky one but they perservered. Perkasa was attacked as kuno, backward, racist and extremist by MCA and Gerakan leaders and youth leaders. If it is not out of ignorance, it is then a signal from MCA and Gerakan that they are willing to put themselves on the ancestoral sacrificial altar to stem the rise of any Malay nationalist groups.
A word or two of retaliation from Perkasa can deny MCA and Gerakan of Malay votes and sent them to the back pages of the history books. Ibrahim said he had Chua Soi Lek explicitly told.
Them alone was not enough.
Perkasa's biggest adversary came from UMNO-owned New Straits Times; power and money hungry warlords within UMNO; and self serving Melayu liberal that use to walk the corridors of power and working themselves back in through the three Malay based parties.
Ibrahim believed that the already positioned evil web of Melayu liberals in all strategic areas of media, politics, government, and corporation including the National Economic Advisory Council could continue to impute more damage to the socio-econo-political fabric of the nation.
With the IMF and World Back as their Mecca, they are adamant that liberalisation, openness and competition as the gospel answer to their dream of develop nation lifestyle. They are oblivious to the nation's historical process.
As a nation, Malaysia has always maintain pragmatism in it's socio-economic policies. It had never been caught in the ideological fad of the times.
During the cold war of the 1960-70s and the ideological battleline is drawn between communism/socialism versus capitalism, Malaysia adopted the 5-year economic plan from communist Societ Union and free enterprise in certain segment of the economy from the West.
The strange characteristic of the Melayu liberal is to be oblivious to the negative impact that arise from adopting the unbridled liberalisation and free market policy of Western neo-liberalism.
They naively believe that the simplistic one-policy-for-all solution offered by global business consulting firms will create a free market mechanism that will obligingly serve to meet the nation's socio-economic agenda.
The argument is old but remain relevant.
Malaysia is a complicated mosaic with many fragmentation of disparity which would have inhibited the nation building process of any country.
If not for the tolerance and acceptance of the citizen to the diverse races, geography, social strata, and history of the nation and it's people, peace could not be achieved. Without peace, Malaysia could not have developed to it's present form.
Because it had been taken for granted, peace and security was never understood and considered by the populace, particularly the later generation, as the main driver of growth for Malaysia.
Thus the idea that tinkering with the socio-economic policies using corporate policy from business consulting template will bring about that Western affluence the Melayu liberal desired and yearned for.
Ibrahim will face more challenges ahead. It will be beyond just defending Article 153 of the Federal Constutution but mirroring the inter-generation gap, clash of ideology and civilisation, and revenge of big business interest.
Knives are sharpened to make sure he is buried in the next General Election. He is already accused of threatening the Prime Minister for the agenda he carried. The invisible powers at be want to see him stopped.
It will be left to the proletariat rakyat via voters of Pasir Mas to keep Independent Ibrahim in Parliament. The support for Ibrahim outside Pasir Mas is needed to sooth any disgruntled constituent. At the moment, the Pribumi of Malaysia needs his courage and brevity.
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